The Sovereign Warhost Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Sovereign Warhost

The Sovereign Warhost is a name of the perpetually active standing armies of Arasil, when called to war from their many duches. Though they constantly train and they are ever under the command of the High Justice King, or the Viceroy of the Kingdom of Arasil.   They usually opreate on urgent matters such as a rebellion, orcish horde and other things that are closer to the heartlands.   The Unique strcutre of the Sovereign Warhost and experience allow them to hold the line, intervene and negate most of the threats of the Kingdom.


The Sovereign warhost is comprised of many forces, some of pure arasilian and some are not, while the Arasilian ones, are considered the most reknown ones, espacially in the center, south, east and west of Arasil. The Warhost army is utilizing 2 Armies and more than 10 than in reserve forces with many armories spreaded (since the standards of The Guilds of Arasil prohibit active armies in order to grow the economy of Kingdom of Arasil), that are spread into the heartlands, ready to answer to any threat, both from within and outwards.   The Sovereign warhost also has 1 active Division spread through all out the lands of Arasil with only 2 Air Group at the heartlands, with 1 division in reserve.


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