Protecting Wings of Arasil Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Protecting Wings of Arasil

The Protecting WIngs of Arasil is the name of the air forces that were utilized, most prominently in the Scales Unbound Crusade, often abbreviated as PWA.


Unlike Arasilian Grand Military Orders, the Aerial corps use less structural units, one that they took from the elves of The Sylvan Regiments of Eryndor and The Hosts of Amon-Thal.  
  1. Division - Each commanded by Sky Marshal and consisting of 2-4 Air Groups.
  2. Air Group - Each Commanded by a High-Sky Commander and consisting of 2-4 Wings.
  3. Altiui - Each commanded by a Sky-Captain and consisting of 3-4 Straffrels.
  4. Staffrel - Each Commanded by Aero-Knight Commander and consisting of 3-4 Flights.
  5. Flight - Each Commanded by a Storm-Riders and in addition consist of 4-6 mounts ridden by Aero-Knight


The Protecting Wings were once composed of dragons, however, since they have left, the army is using many Pegasi, Hippogriphs from Amon-Thal.   The Protecting Wings have many veterans, often the reserve forces of Arasil, known as Wind Guardian that are in charge of finding steeds and training the Squires that wish to be Aero-Knights.
Alternative Names
The Knights Dragonflight
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
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