Hirch Thani Battle Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

Hirch Thani Battle

The Hirch Thani Battle, is series of skirmishes and battles fought between Grand Armies of the Araso, Elevated House Brevoii, House Alldorie against Demons of the abyss, while simultaneously between The Stag Lord, his demons against the Morning Stars.

The Conflict


The Battle was the accumulation of the quest of the Morning Stars by House Alldorie to reclaim thr Hirch Thani.   Following the mutilation, burning of The Stag Lord family by one member of the Morning Stars. In Retailation to to those abhorrent acts, the Stag Lord had sacrificed his people, soldiers in order to summon hundreds of Demons from the Abyss.


The Battle was mostly not organized as the Grand Army of Arasil, led by Count Riklin, was not able to teleport as the Demons had special material that negate teleportation, so their main advantage of teleportation was negated. They had to navigate quickly to aid the refugees, where they had a final stand at Murkburrow.   The Soldiers of Brevoii, were suffering the most as they had come first, clashing at different sites and being beaten at all of them. However, their sacrifice allowed the Arasilian and Alldorie swordmasters to position themselves.   It should be noted that the cavalry of the Grand Army of Arasil, had reached the battles and inflicted most heavy damage on the Demons, who were overwhelmed by the charge.


The Main battlefield was in Murkburrow, though the walls were partly in ruins, the armies had managed to fortify themselves, with holy water and Cold Iron, provided to them by teleportation magic from various places and by the clerics that had rushed there.

The Engagement

While the Armies had clashed, the Morning Star went on a mission and went to stop the Stag Lord himself in a battle, where they had managed to defeat him and his minions.
Start Date
Coppernium 15, 1,051 AB
Ending Date
Coppernium 25, 1,051 AB
Conflict Result
Defeat of the Demons and the Stag Lord


Grand Army of Arasil

Led by


120 Pegasi Riders;
50 Magi;
20 Wizards;
100 Clerics;
20 Paladins;
390 Auxilary Forces;
100 Rangers;
200 Arasilian Cavalry Knights;
500 Cavalry;
540 Infantry men;
60 Arasilian Infantry Knights;
10 Ballistas;


315 Infantry Men;
16 Arasilian Infantry Knights;
151 Cavalry;
11 Rangers;
35 Auxilary Forces;
23 Pegasi Riders and their Pegasi;
52 Arasilian Cavalry Knights;
7 Clerics;
1 Wizard;
10 Magi;


Defending the Citizens of Hirch Thani and destroying the Demons to the last;
Breovii Armed Forces

Led by


100 Cavalry;
500 Infantry;
10 Clerics;
10 Wizards;
5 Magi;
5 Kyths;
170 Auxilary Forces;
200 Levies;


100 Cavalry;
357 Infantry;
143 Levies;
24 Auxilary Forces;


Destroying the Demons on the request of Count Riklin.
Swordlords of Alldorie

Led by


150 Swordmasters;


47 Swordmasters;


Stopping all Demons and aiding the fleeing refugees;

Led by


Atleast 1500 Various Demons;


Atleast 1,300 Demons;


Eliminating all life in Hirch Thani
Morning Stars

Led by


Negi, Remus, Roger, Balazar and their leader, Reid;
Avaras, though a member of the Morning Stars, had joined the Pegasi of The Grand Army of Arasil.
In addition, they were joined by Vattashri Ibn Atturmu and Dustran.




Going on a mission to stop the Stag Lord at his fort and stop the mastermind of the invasion;


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