Vattashri Ibn Atturmu Character in Theras | World Anvil

Vattashri Ibn Atturmu

Jattad Ibn Atturmu

Vattashri Ibn Atturmu, formerly Jattad Ibn Atturmu, is a Leonin druid of Bayjani-Gontali origins, primarily known for his membership in the Six of the Hill. Callous and manipulative, he holds a cynical worldview and demonstrates counterintuitive care for the few individuals he considers his friends. He exposed his rakshasa ancestry in Arn-Wint 1051 AB.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Childhood

Jattad's mother fled with him to Tarren Hills to escape his father's influence and reach, assisted by a knight (Dion). In 1027, a Gontali raiding party attacked the village, and forced the children there to kill their parents to show their loyalty to Gontal. Though he was hesitant, Jattad quickly slit his mother's throat and swore fealty to his captors.   As he reached Gontal, Jattad sought comfort and solace in a dark land that allows none; a priestess of Baisha approached him and the group of orphans, showing them much needed compassion and care. She presented herself as Gaatha Greifelt, and invited them to her temple, an offer which Jattad gladly accepted, embracing the Mother of Orphans as his mother.  

Service for Gontal

Due to his rakshasa ancestry, Jattad was trained as a spy and a diplomat. Most of his these years were spent desensitizing him to violence and cruelty; he was sent to tasks such as killing counter-spies, extorting informants, and torturing captives. During this time, he was taught interrogation techniques and how to efficiently channel his innate magical abilities.  
Adolescence and Early Adulthood
By the time he was 16, Jattad was considered to be qualified to work independently. For his first assignment, he served as a covert Gontali agent in Aluda'ar; pretending to be a fugitive, he used his real life story as his cover while omitting the fact that he now works for Gontal. He was then sent as a junior delegate to the Lindar Tribes under the guise of assessing the possibility of a Gontali-Lindish defensive pact.  

Joining the Six of the Hill

In 1046 Jattad was assigned to work under Einhorn, and was tasked with familiarizing himself with Bayjan, learning the language, traditions, and culture of the jungles. He was to present himself as a Bayjani ambassador on behalf of the Maharana in Wartorn Keatis, feigning interest in the state of the kingdom. He was deemed sufficiently educated in Ernius 1049 and arrived at Jak'shen of the same year; after successfuly performing several tasks, he was to meet with an adventuring party in the village of Greenwall and help save it from goblins.  
Releasing Einhorn
When the party arrived at Rampin, they learned that its ruler, Lord Jeremy, was usurped by a cleric of Kord and a cleric of Atzul; they hired the service of a mercanery called Velhys which enforced their rule with a small army. Searching the town for Einhorn, he found him imprisoned and destined to be executed as an example for a crime he was did not commit.   Jattad asked Velhys for Einhorn to be released, and Velhys agreed to do so if the druid would provide him with a replacement prisoner and if he was to have his way with Jattad. The next day, as agreed, Jattad pointed at "the third person... in the street", and Velhys had his men publicly plant the woman with false evidence, cut off her tongue, and arrest her. The same night, Einhorn was set free, promising Jattad to let his supervisors hear of Jattad's determination and conviction.  

Time in the Stag Lands

Working for House Alldorie
The Six of the Hill were all invited to a new-year's ball with several other adventuring groups at the Alldorie mansion. There, they announced their plans to reclaim Hirch Thani from The Stag Lord, a bandit leader that took over the lands, promising the lands as a barony. At the middle on the night, a military force, presumably from the southern Gontali province of Piron, attacked the mansion, slaying the vast majority of adventurers in their sleep. After a fierce battle, only a handful of adventurers remained, Jattad being one of them.   Seeing Tartocio's minimal contribution during the fight and him giving the party rings of protection with Piron signets, Jattad accused Tatrocio of being a Gontali spy, with Tartocio doing the same. An argument broke out, and after a brief interrogation under a Zone of Truth failed to provide further details, Jamandi Alldorie ruled that all remaining adventurers would go in two groups - the Six of the Hill and Tartocio's party; both parties then attempted to persuade the undecided adventurers to join Tartocio and his claim to being a baron, or the Six of the Hill and their collective claim for all party members, old and new.  
Reclamation of Alex's Trading Post
Provided with mounts, the Six of the Hill were sent to Alex's Trading Post with a note from the Alldories saying to consider Alex's debt to them paid. Upon arrival, they learned that the Staglord imposes severe taxes on the trading post, which hasen't seen much trade recently; outside, much to their surprise, they encountered Velhys and the Simpsons. After bribing the ogre enforcer left behind the Staglord's lieutenant, they prepared an ambush. As she and her forces charged into the trading post, Jattad turned the ground into deep mud, rendering them unable to move and allowing the rest of his party to slay them all, save for one wizard who turned invisible and ran away. Thus, by reclaiming the trading post, the Six of the Hill declared war on the Staglord and his forces.  
Recruiting Blood Hand and Sofel
With the first blow struck, the Six of the Hill required allies, and fast. This led them to seek the aid of Blood Hand clan, a clan of orcs that recently took over a village; using Reid's ancestry, Bloodmoon's martial might, and Jattad's diplomacy, a deal was made - the Six oh the Hill would bring the orcs the head of "something powerful... in the nearby hill", and the orcs would give 200 warriors for their cause. On their way, the party encountered a pack of griffins; though they quickly dispatched the beasts, their horses were killed, leaving only Jattad and Rev with rideable mounts.   Sent as a scout, Jattad noticed a chained displacer beast, which urged Jattad to free before its captors arrive and they would be forced to fight; Jattad sent the beast to the Feywild, inadvertently activating a trap which sent him there too. Meanwhile, the party noticed large boulders that were thrown at packs of orcs, too big to be hurled by mere trolls; as the party drew closer, they encountered two stone giants and a brass dragon, accompanied by 20 eladrin archers, and battle started.   Lost in the realm of the fey, Jattad desperately sought a way out; precious seconds into the fight, he reappeared and saw a fierce battle raging. A decapitated dragon in front of him and two giants pummeling his party, he began healing his friends, only barely managing to rescue Rev from a divine lightning strike and erupting flames which would have most definitely killed him. Though it was a minute at most, the exhausted party felt as if their triumph took hours upon hours to earn; as they scanned their surroundings, they found an adolescent stone giant, the son of the giants they have just slain. Seeking to avoid further bloodshed, Jattad lied to Rakstar, saying his parents were slain by the neighbouring orc clan.   After taking Rakstar under their care, Jattad noticed a mounted party following the Six's trail; the party confronted them, and they presented themselves as delegates from Sofel. They proposed an agreement - for a set amount of slaves delivered from their proposed barony, Sofel would send a slave army armed with crossbows and establish an official embassy in a location of their chosing. As a guarentee, Jattad offered the boy as a slave, doing so secretly without informing any of the other members of his party.  
Baisha's Bad Breath
First arrest attempt, Finding, Fighting, and Defeating Amani.  

Vattashri Ibn Atturmu

Warning, bombing runs, capsizing, arrest.   After being arrested by Velhys, Jattad was teleported to his father's palace in Bayjan. There, the powerful Maharana crushed his magic items, and anointed him as a worthy successor under a new name - Vattashri. Given regal clothing, a demonic skull companion and a plethora of wonderous items, Vattashri Ibn Atturmu was escorted back to the Staglands, refusing to elaborate on his answers to his party's questions.
Neutral Evil
Year of Birth
1019 AB 32 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


Though he is indifferent, at most, towards physical violence, Vattashri despises sexual violence; he described it as his "sole red line" on several occasions, and castrated rapists whenever he was presented with tangible evidence of their acts. He accepts the druidic codes of conduct and has shown willingness to act against to who break them and harm nature; however, he allows himself and fellow druids (and rangers to a certain extent) to harm nature if deemed necessary.

Views on Death

While he's completely functional, Vattashri's personality is almost wholly shaped by his traumatic upbringing as a child-soldier; his induction into service granted him a nihilistic perspective on death, seeing it as an inevitable fact of life that is not to be feared, but avoided. Appropriately, Vattashri finds murder as the last option, but an option nonetheless. He has no qualms with killing dozens if he is convinced they may pose him a threat; he has done so when he called a pillar of fire to incinerate 21 men who attempted to arrest him in the Stag lands, no more than villagers who were offered five gold coins, a fortune.


As a son of a rakshasa Vattashri has a heightened sex drive, and he makes sexual advances whenever possible. After receiving mission briefings in cities, he immediately goes to the largest brothel, the smallest one, the worst one and the best one in that order; he maintains this habit even in cities where there is only a single brothel. With the renovation of Alex's Trading Post, a small brothel was propped up nearby and Vattashri frequented it every single night.   Despite the social norms prevalent in Gontal, Vattashri is openly bisexual, leading to occasional altercations with his fellow operatives; after the fourth operative who harassed him on the matter was found with a slit throat, people have learned to keep their opinions to themselves.


Vattashri is nihilistic and cynical, seeing most definitions of morality as fictitious and deleterious concepts. He has no qualms with slavery, and treats slaves as property; to him, slaves are not people, but objects, and as such the concept of violence is inapplicable to them. To him, sleeping with a non-consenting slave is an impossibility since slaves do not have a right to consent to anything.

Interpersonal Relations

Somewhat understandably, Vattashri is slow to consider someone to be his friend. He would never act to aid another unless he can benefit from it or is personally offended; for his friends, however, not only is he willing to act in their aid, but he is willing to risk his own well being, safety, and even life for those rare few he does hold dear. Regarding the Six of the Hill, the only ones he refers to as his friends are Reid, Bloodmoon, and Rev, with his willingness to assist other members of his party being solely due to their skills and abilities benefiting him and his goals.


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