
The 7th planet in the Jenat System, the some system of the Republic of Miasi. Ice giant planet.   Irinas, though very small compared to other ice giants, still captures the interest of the Miasi republic because it has formed much heavier elements than other ice giants. Elements all the way up to iron gas can be extracted from the lower layers of the atmosphere, resources that do not need to be refined and are very easy to alloy. The few gas collection stations orbiting Irinas are all designed to withstand the immense pressures and extract resources from the lowest layers while also extracting hydrogen from the surface for fusion to power itself.   Due to its importance, Irinas is defended by a large number of defence platforms and shipyards (the latter of which is often used to refuel starships). There are also several large habitation stations orbiting it as the planet has been deemed as beautifl by the several cultures on Eranath. These are sometimes also visited by tourists.   It is not known how the heavy metallic elements have formed in the dense atmosphere of the ice giant, but it is speculated that it could have captured a lot of metal rich asteroids in its history. It is in an orbit which could potentially capture such a large number of asteroids...
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