
The 8th planet of the Jenat System, which is owned by the Republic of Miasi. Warakan is a large gas giant.   It is the largest planet in the system. Although the gas giant itself is largely unremarkable apart from this, it has a huge number of moons orbiting it. The republic makes attempts to make many of these habitable, but the terraform efforts are not succeeding as they have not advanced much technologically and the sheer distance from the star. They mine many other worlds orbiting the gas giant though. This gives them access to a lot of resources. Several of these worlds have large space elevators, with massive fusion reactors at the top which supply power to the planet below via a massive secondary electrical cable with a very large voltage. The largest of these moons is larger than Eranath, the miasi home planet, but colder.   Due to the sheer importance of the planet, the republic has defended it very effectively. They have placed huge numbers of defence platforms and military shipyards (which are supplied with hydrogen fuel from the gas giant itself), to deter almost any invasion. The reason why this planet has so many moons is not known. Perhaps a lot of material has concentrated into this system while it was forming, most of it ending up in orbit of the gas giant. Like many anomalies in the system, it is entirely possible that this planet was engineered despite the lack of archaeotech.
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