Jenat System

The home system of the Republic of Miasi. The jenat star is a class F star that is white in colour.   The Jenat system is of course best known for its 4th planet, the miasi homeworld of Eranath. This planet has 1 moon.   Other planets are inhabited however, particularly the various moons of the gas giant Jarnipar, the 3rd planet. Both are within the goldilocks zone of the star. The miasi republic found life on the gas giant moons and easily colonized them. 57 of them were habitable and it had 93 moons total. Strangely, some species have been seen on multiple worlds orbiting the gas giant...   The first 2 planets are both very hot, with a lot of metal ore on the surface. Great for mining.   The 5th - 6th planets are also comprised of rock (as opposed to gas). They are both too cold to be habitable. Planet 5 has 2 moons, planet 6 has 4 moons.   The 7th planet is the ice giant, Irinas, notable for having much heavier elements than most other ice giants.   There is an asteroid belt between the 7th and 8th planets. A lot of traces of ice are found here, but mainly rocky asteroids. Criminals often set up hideouts here.   The 8th planet is the largest astronomical body in the system except the star. A gas giant with 104 moons.   The 9th is a binary system of 2 large rocky planets. One has 3 moons and the other has 2 moons that are, themselves, also a binary system. One of those resembles a gas giant but in reality is a large rocky planet with a massive atmosphere and magnetosphere. The other planet is just very large.   Various dwarf planets are further out than the 9th.   The Hyperion Federation noticed the strange anomalies with similar species on different gas giant moons and the 2 binary systems at the 9th world. Many speculate this star system was engineered, but they are yet to find any precursor artifacts proving this hypothesis. Investigations continue.       Spoiler
(The Rikavi Ancients built the binary systems but some asteroids knocked some life into space on the gas giant moons and they ended up on the other planets)
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