
Planet of the Republic of Miasi located in the Unreachable Star Cluster.   Jralakralar is a well habitable world, with a nitrogen-oxygen atomshere and of a perfect temperature and gravity for human life. Due to this, the republic of misai claimed it immediately after discovery. However, it was not always like this. They soon found many alien artifacts and ruins not of a precursor faction but of a seemingly advanced civilization, probably a spacefaring one.   This civilization may have spanned the entire unreachable cluster during their history, but are not seen any more. They built on this world a large nanite research facility. They seem to have attempted to build a new type of nanite that can be deployed easily to any world and make the conditions perfect for human life, regardless of where the planet is. When deployed in sufficiently large numbers, these nanobots would make any planet habitable out until about 10 AU from a typical class G star.   However, the original scientists creating it underestimated its sheer power. They contained it in well reinforced, pressurized containers, but the nanobots wore the containers out over time and eventually escaped. Being of a prototype version, they were not perfectly calibrated and instead slowly caused the conditions of the planet to become uninhabitable. As clouds of this self-replicating nanoswarm had the appearance of a red mist, it was called the 'scarlet scourge' by the culture of those living there. The inhabitants had to figure out a way to put the scourge out before it could spread around the whole planet. They tried various EMPs, electronic warfare, even flamethrowers. None of those even delayed the scourge. Those effected by the scourge itself suffered horrible deaths as the nanomachines self-replicated using material inside their bodies, rapidly killing them. This meant that even the best pressurized suits were not sufficient to be used within scourge effected environments as even the slightest gap meant they would get through, and the nanomachines could easily create these gaps. Billions might have died this way. Although many others retreated off world via shuttle, they could only save about 2 thirds of the planetary population. It spread too fast.   The (prototype) Scourge did not stand the test of time. Although it outlasted the civilization that created it, it was long gone by the time this planet was discovered. The Miasi claimed the world and now houses a large population there too, taking the lessons of those who walked this world eons ago into account. They did not dare to recreate it or continue the project.
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