Everchanging Dyson Sphere

Dyson sphere located in the Arcturus galaxy in the Unreachable Star Cluster, built by the Rikavi Ancients. It is known to hold an artifact - a device that constantly builds and controls many nanobots; enough to cover the entire sphere. The sphere is made almost entirely out of the nanobots. Of course, if any faction can get their hands on the artifact they too can become incredibly powerful. They all sent many science teams to try find it, but it is also known the artifact tries to defend itself. Namely, the very land constantly shifts using the power from the star below which is where the megastructure gets its name from. As such, no one has ever seen the artifact. The entire megastructure has several floors. It is known that the artifact is on the bottom floor Teleporters do not function below the first layer.   Patches of life exist in various spots in the sphere. The nanobots seem to attempt to keep it alive and to genetically engineer it. These forms of life - which the nanobots inhabiting their bodies constantly modify and improve their body - are known as rampant forms. Some, but not all, have lost control of their body and now entirely serve the artifact. For anyone sent here, staying on the world for too long runs the risk of having these nanobots enter the body and cause them to go rampant, too. They should be continually EMPed to prevent this. However, many rampant forms keep control of their body. Many scientists fall under this category, but most normal people there will kill any rampant forms on sight. Rampant sapient races can chose to either run away from non rapmant races, kill them or show no hostilty. However, rampancy happens very slowly on the top layer because the top is covered with actual stable land rather than nanobot material.   The top layer is stable enough that several factions built cities. The world is not purely inhabited by scientists. In each city there are many EMP stations around and their locations are clearly marked. This is to prevent rampancy.   Scientists study the megastructure itself, the individual nanobots, the rampant forms and make attempts at finding the artifact.

Purpose / Function

Its original purpose when built by the Rikavi Ancients was to generate power like any Dyson sphere. This one was also intended to run various experiments - some of which involve the local (or otherwise) life.
Megastructure, Dyson Sphere
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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