
A Cyber Sphere planet located near the edge of the Unreachable Star Cluster in a point relatively close to Arcturus.   This Cyber Sphere features a large number of electrical arcing machines for unknown reasons. This presents a significant hazard for many who land onto the planet. However, there is also comparatively little molten metal rain. This has led some to tap into this for a power source, but it is quite unreliable. Still very useful for many explorers who have explored sections of the world, either underground or not.    Additionally, this danger can be entirely eliminated through the use of Faraday cage-like suits, but that increases the weight of the user significantly. This has made this one comparatively safe, compared to other planets of its class. It is still very dangerous due to the existence of traps or even automated turrets in some cases. Due to this apparent safety, the planet is deemed easier to explore than most and is thus better known. It's core has been discovered.   Like many, this cyber sphere has a large machine that jams any attempt to scan the underground sections. There are also seemingly random energy shields in some areas blocking some exploration parties from access. Also precursor Hardlight Bridges which would provide access. These devices can be shut down or turned on in seemingly random ways, sometimes through timers and others through large levers.
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