A cyber sphere planet located in the Unreachable Star Cluster that was relatively well hidden due to the use of hologramlike machines.   For unknown reasons this planet disguised itself as a regular barren planet using the aforementioned hologram machines. Despite being positioned close to SNT-94 it would be the 3rd planet of its class found, when a Hyperion Federation surveying team teleported to the planet. They teleported into an area that was currently under molten metal rain but their suits would protect them from the conditions despite the lack of preparation. They would teleport back up to the starship immediately and before they could report their findings the hologram machines shut down, revealing it's true nature as an entirely artificial world.    Of course, after this event, the hf wasted no time to explore it. This time they would come prepared, but excluding this initial incident they would be deceived again and again. It is likely to have a non-euclidian geometry, but is known for certain it uses a lot of similarly convincing hologram projections to keep itself secret.    Although large portions of the shallow underground sections are mapped, the core has never been found. Some deeper sections have also been uncovered. Needless to say, the scientists have been impressed that every metal planet uncovered so far have been incredibly different. The primary danger here is getting lost, but all researches have the option to teleport back up to orbiting starships anyway so comparatively few lives have been lost on the planet.
Location under
Owning Organization


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