Unreachable Star Cluster

Section of the Arcturus galaxy that is unreachable by almost any method. All major factions in that galaxy have a Wormhole Fabrication Facility WFF which allows them to do so. This section of the galaxy has even more precursor megastructures to explore.   Due to the highly isolated nature of the Unreachable Cluster, it can be quite valuable in case the rest of the galaxy is overwhelmed with some great, powerful force. This does happen in some alternate timelines, and some factions are reduced to these star systems. The HF usually is able to save most of the species though - if they are reduced in number enough to be entirely assimilated into the HF cultures.   Before the Starsong incident, the Cluster had a number of precursor factions. Some Xadia Ancients and Rikavi Ancients artifacts have been seen in the cluster, but it was primarily owned by an AI precursor faction. This is the faction that built a large number of Cyber Spheres in the cluster, a highly anomalous feature of this area, and purely this area. All sapient AIs of this faction were destroyed in the starsong, but the archives and self repair units remained intact. As none of these machines understood was sapience was, they could never recreate it, and instead eternally carried out their respective tasks, keeping each Cyber Sphere operational.   They still function to this day; there has never been a recorded non-functional Cyber Sphere.There have been attempts to construct habitats on Cyber Spheres. Currently however, only the HF has the technology to withstand the extreme conditions, making use of QEN technologies to resist extreme temperatures and extreme precision Graviton Wave Refraction to mostly nullify the antigravity storms. To avoid interference from the self-repair units, the HF constructs its Cyber Sphere colonies off the ground.

Fauna & Flora

There are few habitable planets in the cluster.


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