Ambrose Lemoine

Brother Ambrose (a.k.a. Lemoine)

Ambrose Lemoine, which is Arian for Ambrose the Monk, was a knight member of the Order of the Swords of Heaven. Born to unknown parents in the year 192 AF near the City of Malamor and abandoned on the doorway of a small Temple of the Pantheon of Heaven, he was raised as a member of the faith since before his first birthday.   At the age of six, he was taken to the The Grand Commandery Demalamor to become a page in the Order of the Swords of Heaven. He excelled at all martial skills but was especially gifted with the great sword, and as he grew he advanced in the Order's ranks quickly.   By the age of 23 years, Ambrose was an acolyte of the highest rank. His next step in the hierarchical ladder of the Order was to become fully initiated into the Order as a Knight. Rather than move directly into the initiation process, however, Ambrose took it upon himself to take up a holy quest (called a quate sacree within the faith). His quest was to be determined by a long period of fasting and meditation during which he had numerous dreams and visions of huge menacing Black Dragons. After much prayer and consultation with his brothers, he determined that the gods willed he spend a period of time searching for and eliminating Black Dragons from the world. At about this time, the Grand Ecclesiast of Southridge, Piers Barret, sent word to the Grand Commandery that a Black Dragon was menacing the region near the City of Southridge and could the Order send help. Ambrose was sent to Southridge immediately.   Ambrose was given passage on a vessel bound from Aramor to Loman Dur, and it was on his arrival at Loman Dur that he met the newly elevated Baron of Loman Dur, Lomain am Lomanni.  The two men became fast friends, and agreed to travel together to Southridge in order to face the dragon and rid the Kingdom of it's menace.
24 at his death
192 AF 216 AF 24 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Abandoned at birth
Circumstances of Death
Died of wounds from a dragon
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations