City of Grenwich

Grenwich is a city on the coast of Lesser Imesse . It is the ducal seat of the Duchy of Grenwich.  It has a population of just over 16,000 souls, mostly Human.  It has a busy harbor that sees both ocean and river traffic.   As the city is realtively close to the border of the County of Aramor in the Kingdom of Aria, one can often hear Arian spoken nearly as often as Caldarian.  Much of the clothing, equipment and architecture reflects a disctinct Arian influence.


Mostly Human, with a large minority of Halflings living and working just outside the walls.


The city is directly ruled by the Duke, with the assistance of a City Mayor and a Briar of Grenwich.


The city is protected by a Watch made up of two full Companies of Foot and a short Company of Lancers for patrols on the main roads leadidng to and from the city.  There are three square towers built into the harbor walls that can fire various projectiles at attacking ships that are manned at all times.

Industry & Trade

Primary industry is shipping, with a growing ship building presence just upriver from the main harbor.


Most roads are paved, and where paved the roads have sewers to remove waste and runoff.  The walls of the city are olf, but functional.  There are three main gates into the city, and all are functional and manned at all times.
A view of the harbor at Grenwich
A wool caravan on its way to Grenwich
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization