Grenwich House

Grenwich House is the ancient castle stronghold now utilized by the Duke of Grenwich as his ducal seat.  It is a large and rambling castle built over the course of 200 years, with many additions replacing failed or destroyed portions and creating a confusing mess of buildings, walls, passages and yards.

Purpose / Function

Grenwich House is the primary residence and official seat of the Duke of Grenwich.  Dogar Lann has moved his entire family to the House, and conducts nearly all his official business from here.

Sensory & Appearance

As varied and confusing as the design of Grenwich House seems to be, it is a lavish and oppulent home with dozens of well-appointed rooms, grand halls, ornate furnishing and acres of carpets and parquet floors imported from Aramor.


Dogar has enacted huge alterations to the House.  Fallen and delapitated sections have been pulled down and rebuilt and other portions have been refitted and renovated for more practical or comfortable use.


Original structures are constructed of local stone on bedrock foundations built high onto a rocky coastal bluff on the northwest portion of the city.  Two distinct periods of warfare have left their scars on these portions of the castle.  The first was the original attack by Benn Ohn during the intital conquest of Imesse more than 200 years earlier.  All that remains of that phaze of construction are the outer-most bailey walls and towers.  Then, after extensive reconstruction, another attack by raiding pirates from the far south causes the main keep and gatehouse complex to be burnt nearly to the ground.   Reconstructed extensively over the following century, much of the current House is not even made of stone, but of wooden, timber-frame construction.  In fact, the main gatehouse of the House wasn't even completed until the Duke of the newly instituted Duchy of Grenwich was installed into his duchy.


The outer towers and walls of Grenwich House are defended by two Companies of Foot and a full Company of Lancers.  Within the House itself are a protective detatchment of veteran Grey Riders hand picked by the Lord Commander of the Grey Riders as capable and loyal to the Duke.  This personal guard numbers 80 fully armed and armored veteran knights between the ages of 30 and 50 years.
A view of the postern of Grenwich House, one of the oldest sections of the castle.
Parent Location
Owning Organization