Town of Greenbrae (green-bray)

The town of Greenbrae is the seat of the Shire of Greenbrae.  The Shire has a total population of 1,500 souls, and 1,100 of those are Halflings.  The primary industry in Greenbrae is forestry and timber production, and the town of Greenbrae is where the products of these efforts are moved out into the rest of the Ward.   The town is small but very active.  It has 600 people living within its walls.  The town has a fortified blockhouse as its seat of government called the Sherriff's Hold.  It is a two-story stone and wood structure with walls 4' thick and a 40' stone tower standing above it.  Sherriff's Hold has a 16' tall and 12' thick hedge wall surrounding it, with a stout stone gatehouse.  The Sherriff is Dolan Hillman, a 48-year-old Halfling with a focus on profitable harvesting of some of the finest old-growth hardwoods known in the Kingdom.


500 Halfling, 150 Human, 50 Dwarf
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization