Flann Benarden

Ryuri Benarden, Lord Flann Benarden (a.k.a. Red Hand)

Flann Benarden is the Ryuri of the Benarden Clan of Colo. He is a 57-year-old Human that has ruled the Benarden Clan for 22 years. He is a very popular leader, much loved by his clan and much respected by most of his neighboring ryuri leaders.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Flann is a very fit and active 57-year-old man.  He has inherited the famous "Arden Red" hair of his family, but much gray is now grown through his hair and beard.

Identifying Characteristics

Flann is a born fighter. He has garnered a reputation as an expert swordsman and is deadly with a long axe. It was his use of the long axe that earned him his nickname Red Hand, in fact. When he was only 24 years old, he led a party of six other warriors against a Red Dragon that had begun manacing the northern portions of the Benarden territory. During the fight, he landed a blow on the dragon's head with his long axe that cut deeply into the creature's jaw, covering his right hand with scalding-hot blood and dragon oil that caused a permanent blood-red stain to cover his hand, wrist and forearm.

Special abilities

An expert swordsman and legendary with a long axe.

Specialized Equipment

Flann wears a set of armor made from the shed hide of the Silver Dragon of Owwanul, Agnah.  The scales of the armor offer an unrivaled degree of protection against piercing, cutting and fire attacks.  It has been estimated that the armor is worth as much as 2,000 marks ($200,000).

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Twelve years ago, Flann's oldest son Calum was killed in a mystrious fight with the heir to the Dalshar leadership, Rian Dalshar.  As Calum lay dying of his wounds, his younger brother Cernan killed Rian with a sword blow to the back.  Witnesses agree that the killing of Rian was justified because the death of Calum was not, but the Ryuri of Clan Dalshar, Lord Bran Dalshar has taken it to be murder.  Since that fight, he has demanded the head of Cernan Benarden as the wayte price (blood price) of the death of his only son.  As a result, the two clans have been in a state of blood feud for more than a decade.
Ardenbrok, Ardenshold
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations