Guy Delauney (gee dee-law-nay)

His Grace, Count Guy Delauney

Guy Delauney is the current Count of Raymor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Guy comes from a very old noble family. Delauneys have ruled the plains of central Aria for centuries, peacefully and successfully. Their ancestral seat is the Murgres ("Gray Wall" in Arian), an ancient tower keep overlooking a fertile river valley two miles from the walls of the city of Raymor.   Guy's father, Enzo Delauney, reshaped the government of the County nearly 40 years earlier. Graft and corruption were rooted out across the county, and trusted viscounts and barons were installed to build the economy of the region. Farms, ranches and quarries were established, roads, canals and bridges built, and law and order was firmly put in place in many areas that had never really known it. Guy has continued this effort to great effect, seeing the prosperity of the land and people boom and his revenues rise with them.


Contacts & Relations

Guy has a very rough relationship with his neighbor, Countess Roslyn Duclos of Aramor.  Guy has built a very profitable relationship with the Blackbeards of Thorahl, which Roslyn has continuously tried to undermine.

Family Ties

Guy is a close cousin to Ranald Dechateone on his mother's side, as she was the youngest sister of Ranald's mother.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations