County of Raymor

The County of Raymor is a division of the Kingdom of Aria and is located in the central region of the realm. It is made up almost entirely of low hills and rolling grassy plains. Hundreds of square miles of farms and ranches make up the county's primary industry: agriculture.   The County is large, in excess of 11,000 square miles, or nearly as large as the State of Maryland.  It is located in the heart of the Kingdom, with the County of Carmor on the west, Morton on the north, Aramor to the east, Thorahl, Dhoros and Hontrim to the southern mountain border and finally Malamor, Balmor and Tarimor along the Arial River frontier.  It has a population of more than 100,000 souls and is divided into three Viscounties:  Laplaine, Aride and Bonflue.   The County is ruled by Count Guy Delauney and he rules from his ancestral home at Murgres. He is a popular and much-loved Count and has brought much prosperity to a region of the Kingdom that has been seen by many as backwards.


A vasal holding of the Count of Raymor, further divided into vasal holdings of Viscounts, Barons, Lords and Knights.


With the River Aray flowing south along the western edge of the territory and the Dwarven Cities to the south and east, the southern half of the County is the most populated.  Large communities of Halflings live and work within the Shire of Bonflue along the Aray River and on farms located nearby.  On the northern portion of the river are the smaller but still very busy settlements where the livestock and produce of the great prairies are brought to be processed and shipped to the south and west of the country.


The Count has managed to raise and train a remarkably adept force of both Scout Cavalry and Heavy Cavalry.  His troops are well trained and experienced in fast maneuvers and combined unit tactics.

Foreign Relations

Raymor has a difficult relationship with its neighboring County to the east: Aramor. Much tension exists between the two, with border disputes and even open raiding happening more than anyone cares to admit. The Countess Roslyn Duclos is much commited to seeing Count Guy Delauney made to seem the fool at both his home at Murgres and at the Royal Court at Malamor.   The County enjoys very good relations with its Dwarven neighbors, however, with brisk and profitable trade between all three Cities on its border.  Relations are particularly good with the City of Thorahl and the Clan Blackbeard.

Agriculture & Industry

Ranches here have bred a superior breed of great horse, known as a Grandes (pronounced grand-ess in Arian) that is bred for both size and strength. These horses are much in demand amongst heavy cavalry units and caravan drivers due to the animal's fantastic strength. These magnificent animals bring a fortune to a seller at auction, and are much sought after all over the country, and indeed, the world.   The County has many larger herds of cattle, sheep and horses as well as large populations of auroch, bison, elk and wild boar. Meat from the northern and eastern regions of the County is packed in salt bought from the mines of Gorgomoth and is shipped all over the country.

Trade & Transport

The County of Raymor has an excellent relationship with the Dwarven City of Thorahl. Thorahl mineral resources and gold are exchanged for beer, hops, grains, lumber, charcoal and clay. Ponies, pigs and pheasant are sold to the Dwarves in large numbers, as well.  Dwarven wagons and carts are in high demand, as are textiles and rope.


Count Guy's father, Enzo Delauney, spent a significant amount of money and time laying out a series of clear, smooth roads that connect the County's settlements with each other and other locals outside the area.  These roads were planned and designed to handle large caravans of wagons and herds of livestock.  These roads connect the southern-most point of the County with the city of Raymor and continue on to the County of Morton, as well as connecting the trade centers of Hondhor and Athos on the slopes of Gorgomoth with the rest of the County.  All these roads have had stone bridges built to cross streams, rivers and gorges that keep the travel to the swiftest and straightest course possible.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members