Linton am Bondari

Lord Linton am Bondari

Linton am Bondari is the fourth son and eighth child of the Baron of Cyell, Fulton am Bondari and Adith Maxalli. He is a first-cousin of both the High King Max III and King Mak II. Linton is a 23-year-old newly annointed knight, and is eager to make his way in the world.   Linton is less of a tournament enthusiast as his father and some of his brothers, but has shown real skill and ability on the lists. His dreams and ambitions are for making real and positive changes in the Kingdoms, however, and not on fleeting glory or prize money.   Linton is trying very hard to get his father's permission to move to Southridge, so he can become part of his cousin's Royal Court where he sees real change and honest efforts winning great names for those involved. He sees himself as someday being part of the same circles of companions as Duke Lomain, Baron Graysen, Baron Hal, Lord Alain, and others already making a difference in the south.
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