Lucien Durand

Lord Commander Lucien Durand

Lucien Durand is the Lord Commander of Scouts for the Dwarven Legions of Thorahl. He is a 36-year-old Human from the plains of the County of Raymor just to the north of the Gorgomoth Mountains.   Lucien is an exceptional rider, archer and a master of camoflage and tracking. He was chosen for the rank of Lord Commander by the Lord High Marshal of Legions, Quinn Blackbeard, after Lucien single-handedly tracked, followed and killed a group of murderous brigands that were raiding the trade caravans on the roads between Malamor and Thorahl. The group number twelve armed and capable men.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Incredibly adept at moving unseen over long distances, even over bare and rocky ground.  He is able to walk silently through forest litter, loose rocks and thick brambles.

Specialized Equipment

Lucien wears an amazingly expensive set of leather armor crafted from the hide of an Ebony Drake that he killed while on patrol as a Scout Company commander.  It is a dark charcoal-gray in color and tough enough to turn a dagger thrust, but allows an incredible range of motion, is exceptionally light-weight and does not make any noise while moving.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lucien is the third son of a minor noble that rules a small village (Rill) in the County of Raymor just to the northwest of Thorahl. An exceptional rider, archer and tracker, he first came to Thorahl with his younger brother and sister-in-law with a trade caravan. While there, he came to know and befriend some of the Legionaires manning the North Gate of the City. Lucien opted to stay for an extended visit when it was decided that his brother's caravan was returning to Raymor. The caravan was attacked by a band of twelve brigands on the return trip, and his brother was killed. He got the news from his widowed sister-in-law, and accompanied the Company of Scouts that the Dwarves dispatched to investigate the attack.   They found the brigands camped along a stream in the foothills of the mountains, and the Company commander opted to wait for daybreak to advance on them. Lucien used his tracking skills to make his way to the camp that night, where he killed the sentries with silent bowshots from cover. When the others in the camp ran, Lucien followed them, tracking them silently and with stealth, eliminating them one by one as he followed. In the end, he killed the last three that had decided to stand and fight their pursuer in open combat.   His efforts gained him the attention of the Lord Commander of Scouts who offered him a Company command, which he took. His company became the premier outfit in the Scouts, and after 8 years of Company command, Lucien was offered the rank of Lord Commander of Scouts by the Lord High Marshal of Legions himself, Quinn Blackbeard.

Personality Characteristics


Lucien was extremely upset when he found out that the attack that killed his brother was not investigated by the Count of Raymor immediately.  He felt that the rumors of brigands operating in the area were ignored, and that this directly contributed to the death of his brother.  Because of this, when the offer was made by the Lord Commander of Scouts of the Legions of Thorahl that he take command of a Scout company, he accepted immediately.  He has remained stoutly loyal to the Legions ever since, and no one has ever questioned his commitment.

Wealth & Financial state

Lucien single-handedly harvested an Ebony Drake that had been plaguing the shepherds of the western regions of Thorahl.  From this hunt and the sale of the beast's oil, Lucien gained more than 40,000 urcs in gold.  He is a very wealthy man today because of this.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
Village of Rill, County of Raymor
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations