Sandor am Toricki

Lord Sandor am Toricki

Sandor am Toricki is the Lord High Constable of Imesse and the maternal uncle of the High King of Imesse, Max III.  He is the governor and administrator for all the lands of the High Kingdom owned and ruled by the High King himself (the Royal Domains of Northern Imesse).  This means that Lord Sandor is the authority over 90,000 square miles and more than 184,000 souls, second only to the High King himself.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During the invasion of Cobal by Imessian forces in 215 AF, Sandor was one of the commanders of the forces tasked wtih taking and sacking the Town of Stomar. After a smooth crossing of the Caldar and a swift march to the town gates, Sandor was dealt a series of painful defeats over the course of a single afternoon that has come to be known as the Battle of Stomar Gate. In just a few hours of actual battle, Sandor lost two-thirds of his knights and one-third of his horses to the armed residents of Stomar without inflicting even a single confirmed casualty to the defending forces.   Before the sun had set, news reached him of the loss of all boats and supplies that had been left nearly undefended at the landing sight. While this loss cannot entirely be blamed on Sandor, he was a contributing voice in the decision to leave only a few dozen men to guard more than 60 barges and tons of supplies which were all burnt or seized before Sandor could even make it back to the beachhead.   Without waiting to hear about the status of the other Imessian force that had marched downriver to sack Selimar, Sandor found one of the last launches still capable of floating across the Caldar and took six of his knights and his horse back across the river to Terrick, where he quickly informed the local lords about these setbacks and painting himself in the best light possible. Many of the survivors of the Imessian forces that made it back to Imesse have remembered this "desertion" and hold Sandor in real contempt because of it. Chief amongst these are his nephew, the Baron Hal am Toricki.


Contacts & Relations

A close associate of Duke Turl am Nari and his son, Torum am Nari.

Family Ties

The older brother of Sabine Toricki and the uncle of the High King, Max III. His nephew is the Baron of Beldoah, Hal am Toricki.  The Baron detests his uncle, knowing how corrupt he is and that he works hand-in-hand with Turl am Nari.

Wealth & Financial state

Incredibly wealthy, and rumored to be very receptive to bribes, kickbacks and layoffs of nearly any sort.  A frequent lender of money to Torum am Nari, whom he uses as muscle for his intimidation schemes.
Currently Held Titles
Other Affiliations