
Sellenia is the largest of the The Southern Isles.  Nearly 820 miles at its longest axis, and 250 miles at its widest point, it is 180,000 square miles of mountains, jungles, plains, river valleys and coastline.  It has rugged spine of nearly continuous mountains running down the middle of the island with only a very few accessible passes available for travel from east to west.  There are eight large riverways that offer a navigable path into the interior of the island and well-protected natural harbors for ship traffic and trade.  To place the island of Sellenia in perspective, it is more than twice as large as the island of Great Britian (which is only 81,000 square miles in surface area).


A huge, mountainous island covering more than 185,000 square miles of area. It has a range of high, rugged mountains that average more than 9,000 feet in elevation that divides the island roughly into two halfs, east and west. On the eastern, sea-side shores there are many steep and rocky cliffs, some of which exceed 100' in height. On the western shores, the ground rises more gently from the sea up towards the heights of the central mountains

Fauna & Flora

Close to the shore, the island has a near tropical climate with heavy rains and a hot, very humid temperature most of the year. Coastal regions have jungle-like atmosphere comprised of palm trees, vines and tall grasses. As one gains elevation, the surrounding foliage changes to think deciduous forests of mahogony, ironwood, teak and towering redwoods.  Rare and magical plants and herbs are abundant throughout the jungles and higher forests.   Carnifex, Arakan Tiger and Lions are the apex non-magical predators and can be encountered nearly anywhere on the entire island.  Dragons and Hill Giants are the more rare but still very numerous monsterous predators.   Coastal waters are teeming with both delicious and harvestible fish and the more dangerous Giant Kraken and Leviathan that are a constant danger to the local fishing fleets.
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