Town of Estport

The Town of Estport is a harbor town at the mouth of the Eau del'Est at the eastern edge of the County of Daynmor in the Kingdom of Aria.  It has a deep water harbor sheltered by a narrow bay and is a major launching point for trade traffic out of the interior regions of the County.   The town has a population of 9,000 souls.  4,000 of these are Halflings, and the rest are almost exclusively Human.  The town is centered around sea and river shipping and fishing ventures.  The town has a community of Halflings that harvest tons of crabs and shellfish every month, as well as trapping and netting tons of salt water fish.


4,500 Humans, 4,000 Halflings, 500 Other
A river boat unloading at a wharf in Esport.
Location under
Owning Organization