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Eldenia Sarfaria

Eldenia Sarfaria was a Half-Elf woman, the daughter of a Summerling dame and a minor nobleman of Faerinwold. She lived with her mother in Summerlund, eventually becoming an ambassador to Faerinwold. In this capacity, she was introduced to young Crown Prince Varwyn Tarmoore. The two became friends, their friendship eventually blossoming into love. Varwyn, ever a scholar more than a warrior, reminded her of her father in some ways, and the more adventurous Eldenia brought out the young prince’s more daring side. Eventually, he asked for her hand, and the two were wed in 694 SKR. A year later, their son, Caudus, was born.
  In 696 SKR, Balwyr Tarmoore, King of Summerlund and Varwyn’s older brother, passed away. Varwyn took the crown, and Eldenia became Queen of Summerlund. The pair ruled well for 9 years, until Adala Tarmoore, the evil Witch Queen, murdered Varwyn. Eldenia, horrified, watched as her ten year old son became King in her husband’s stead. Worse, the headstrong boy wanted her help to unite the Seven Kingdoms and take the war to the Witch Queen. Against her will, Eldenia called together the Conclave of the Seven Kingdoms with her son and used her skills as a diplomat to help convince them to unite.
  As the Second Witching War proceeded, Eldenia was forced to witness as the Orcish Hordes rampaged in the south, stealing parts of Summerlund and Dalenshire. When Gristamere betrayed the other kingdoms and her son was slain at the Battle of Blackfields, Eldenia’s strong will was broken. She climbed to the highest tower of Castle Caladorn and hung herself. Her ghost is said to still haunt the towers of the ancient fortress.
  Or at least, that's the story that was told. In truth, Eldenia and her very young son Dalwyn were smuggled from the Castle by servants loyal to her at the behest of Arcalos Goldbeard. Realizing that Adala would not rest until she had snuffed out the bloodline of House Tarmoore, Arcalos hid Eldenia and the child in obscurity, shepherding the line secretly until the truth could be revealed. Recently, it was revealed that Eldenia's distant descendant, Tristan Holdfast, is the heir to the Tarmoore line.


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