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Adala Tarmoore

The Witch-Queen was born Adala Natasha Tarmoore, part of the ruling family of Summerlund and younger sister of Aldwyn Tarmoore, the crown-prince. A gifted student of arcane magicks, Adala seemed fated from a young age to serve Summerlund as a powerful arcane supporter of Aldwyn’s rule. In her youth, she seemed to attract Fey creatures naturally, and she was fascinated by the concept of the Feywild. She disappeared for quite some time, and it was feared some fey entity might have kidnapped her. Many knights, including her brother, sought her for several years, but she returned of her own free will, unable or unwilling to speak of what had happened to her.   While she was gone, her studies seemed to have taken on a darker turn, and she had made pacts with unknown entities for more power. Soon, she found a natural talent for dark magicks and necromancy flowering into full bloom. Some say she coveted rule of Summerlund; others say that she was now filled with contempt for other mortals. Whatever the truth, she disappeared once more, then returned, disguised, under the assumed name of the Witch-Queen, she began to assault her father’s armies. When their father died, Aldwyn became King and began to wage war on the undead and Devils that the Witch-Queen sent against the folk of Summerlund. When he finally realized that the Witch-Queen was his own sister, he was stunned. He offered to make Adala his co-ruler to stop the attacks on their people, but she now had higher goals in mind – domination of all of Aldorath. This led Aldwyn to call the Conclave of the Seven Kingdoms and to wage the First Witching War  against her.   At the end of the war, her armies destroyed and abandoned for failure by her infernal masters, Adala was imprisoned in a cell of living crystal by the mages of Tavanion. She was able to think, so she contemplated her situation, and she was believed to have ultimately made mental contact with terrible alien entities from the Far Realm. Binding herself to their service gave her new, terrible powers. She slipped her bonds and escaped to the wastes and wilderness, eventually finding her way to Gristamere, the Kingdom that had suffered least in the First Witching War. Bargaining with the Zhakastir of that land, she was able to secure his aid in the event that the Seven Kingdoms would be called together against her again. She attacked and slew her brother’s descendant, Varwyn Tarmoore, throwing Summerlund into panic. Varwyn’s son, Caudus Tarmoore, called the Conclave of the Seven Kingdoms, sparking the Second Witching War . This time, however, Gristamere betrayed the other Kingdoms at a crucial point, the Battle of Blackfields , throwing them into disarray. In addition, attacks by the Orcish Hordes further destabilized the situation. Ultimately, the Seven Kingdoms prevailed, but at a terrible price.   Adala’s whereabouts were shrouded in mystery for 300 years. Some believed that she had been destroyed at the end of the Second Witching War, but no one could claim to know for sure. Many, especially the folk of Summerlund, believed she was still alive, waiting for a chance to bring ruin once more. This proved to be true when she was discovered imprisoned under the City-Isle of Sudwaine, having been captured by her former Orc allies. She was freed by the Fire Wasps after having sworn not to harm any of them or their descendants for 13 generations. Her rage after being released was due to her discovery that one of her rescuers, Tristan Holdfast, was secretly the heir to the Tarmoore family name. She departed for points unknown, with her goals unknown, perhaps even to herself.

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