
Dame Luna

"Her poise, her smile, her laugh, her beauty... she must have been an angel of yours in a past life Lady Selûne... for I've never heard of any of the Lords of the Nine Hells producing such a beautiful devil with the only temptation being her touch with not a drop of poison on her lips or an ounce of evil in her heart. For if they did and then let her wander so freely across the lands my Lady of Silver, then I, and countless thousands more, shall die a most carnal and glorious death and the future of man is doomed and damned indeed."

  Luna is a Tiefling that hails from the Bay Watch region the Empire. She is a striking and alluring creature with a slender and lithe build with snow-white skin traced in glacial blue markings across her arms, legs, and body and swirl around her thin, three-and-a-half foot long tail that has jagged, half-leafed-shaped end on top. The classically curved devil horns that protrude from her temples are the same glacial blue color starting at the base and tapers off two-thirds up to a matching snow-white on the tips.   She was found in the freezing night air, still fresh-blooded, at the doorstep of small, Selûnite temple on the Winter Solstice of 977 ATS when the worshippers were preparing to attend a midnight prayer to the Moonmaiden under Lysara's brightest full moon on the longest of nights. Despite the best efforts of the small handful of clergy, they failed to find her mother, or any family for the matter, and simply brought her with them, now cleaned, swaddled, and, notably, undisturbed by the cold winter's night. The color of her skin and the night in which she was born and found, the clergy felt it fitting to name her Luna in honor of the moon goddess.   As the little Tiefling grew it was clear that, despite her connection and devotion to the Night White Lady, she was far more magically-attuned to the arcane form, rather than a divine source, of magic and that she had an inquisitive mind that the clergy simply had no answer for so they recommended her to pilgrimage to Arine and try studying under proper practitioners at the academy and she did so, traveling with her sect to the capital at the age of twelve; she remained behind at the academy until the age of fourteen before the vitriol of her colleagues and the lack of community for her kind forced her to flee the city, stumbling through the Lower Ward and taking to the seas in a bout of panic.   She would flit from port to port along Kalbela's western coasts for a few years, picking up bits and pieces of new, old, and odd magics as she went. She would often find passage easy and cheap, if not free, as many a sailor lauded to have a Selûnite on board to bless their journeys, before a winter storm would eradicate the small merchant vessel she was aboard one moonless night. She was washed ashore and awoke, battered, bruised, and bloodied, but still very much alive, abed in Widow's Watch unlike that of the ship's crew, whom were ripped asunder on the shoals. It was a miracle she missed them and that the water's chill did not claim her according to Zaiqine Fire Soul.   Luna found the now Tiefling-dominant populace of Widow's Watch to be a comforting and understanding place for her and it is a place she has remained since washing ashore while she did work for the Baronetess and on occasion Viscountess Balor as well, learning from the more senior practitioners of the arcane. This work would eventually lead to her being knighted by the baronetess, whom she formally serves.

Tenets of Faith

Let all on whom Selûne's light falls upon be welcome, if they desire.   As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does life.   Trust in Selûne's radiance, and know that all love alive under her light shall know her blessing.   Turn to the moon, and she will be your true guide.   Promote acceptance and tolerance.   See all other beings as equals.   Aid fellow Selûnites as if they were your dearest friends.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Luna formal wear is a medium-length, midnight blue dress and matching full cloak with silver trim and star motifs while her traveling attire is a two piece long sleeved top with fingerless gloves and short skirt with thigh high boots and a long two-tailcoat all with the same features and colorings as her formal wear.   She wears a silver pendent of Selûne on a mithril chain, the pendent is inlaid with moonstones and sapphires.


Contacts & Relations

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Luna has an on-and-off, secret, physical relationship with the Baron of Adrimor's Reach, Tormund Moss on multiple occasions before and after his station succession since she was eighteen and he charmed her into his cabin on a Moss merchant ship they both happen to be on. The pair oft still meet under the guise of maintaining political allegiances and trade agreements between the respective Houses she serves.

Religious Views

Luna is a follower of Selûne.


Honorary & Occupational Titles
Knight of Widow's Watch
Date of Birth
21st Day of Nightall, 977 ATS
Year of Birth
977 ATS 23 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born Under the Full Light of Lysara on the Winter Solstice
Current Residence
Ice Blue
Very Long, Lightly Curled, and Free-flowing White Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Snow White Skin with Trails of Glacial Blue
115 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elvish, Infernal

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