Tormund Moss

Baron Tormund Moss

Baron Tormund Moss is the current ruler of Adrimor's Reach and Sentry of the Steppes and the coastal waters of the southwestern Salvae Empire. Tormund was recently elevated to rulership when his grandfather decided it was time for him to step down and has sat on the throne for just over a year now. He spent many years on the water as a sailor and merchant marine in his teenage years, like many in his family, as sailing is equal parts of necessity and heritage for both his ancestral lines are tied to Houses Moss and Shaw, though many lightly jest that he has much more seahorse than badger in his blood as he definitely received his looks from his Shaw ancestors; which many would agree was to his benefit as the Mosses were never known for their dashing looks. He would earn his personal knighthood from a Giamelan noble and ambassador to his grandfather after saving said noble during a seafaring pirate raid on routine trip from Arine to the Steppes in his mid-twenties.   Tormund succeeded his grandfather, Wallace the First, in 998 ATS at thirty-two as the Sentry of the Steppes and Baron of the Tides as his father had fallen during The Salvae Revolution, the pair never knowing or seeing the other in the flesh. Yet, much like his father, and his father, and his father before him, he took, and takes, every opportunity to sail the Torrose or travel by horseback across the Empire, believing that rulership was and is much more than powdered, perfumed asses sat upon plush, cushioned thrones.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Tormund's daily attire is green and black scale mail, breeches and a thick leather belt with a longsword on his hip, two small boarding axes across his chest, and rough leather riding boots.   His court attire has an added black and green cloak with his family's badgers blazoned on its center.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

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Tormund spent a great deal of time on the water around people of a looser morality than what nobility typically rubs elbows with. He picked up a love for dice and women as a result. However, the women that he tends to attract the most are the unsatisfied wives of other knights and nobles when he is in court or visiting other courts across the Empire, but an unexpected and pleasurable vice he picked up in his travels was a taste for Tieflings and where he learned a few choice, carnal phrases of Infernal. He and the few that know, or at least pretend to not know, understand three things in the political games of Kalbela: that the partaking of many women is worrisome, the partaking of married women is disastrous, and the partaking of Tieflings is outright catastrophic; although those same nay-sayers also cede the point that proving a Tiefling's parentage is far more difficult than that of a human's or Elf's and can be denied far more easily.


Contacts & Relations

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Tormund has a secret and ongoing physical relationship with the Tiefling knight, Luna of Widow's Watch that began prior to his succession to the throne of Adrimor's Reach. The pair oft still meet under the guise of maintaining political allegiances and trade agreements as it is often quicker to send word via boat to House Fire Soul then it is to send a rider to either the Baronetess or the Viscountess in most scenarios.

Religious Views

With his families' roots deeply entwined to the seas, Tormund, like many Mosses and Shaws, follows Selûne; although Tormund follows her for her appeal to mavericks and the more self-sufficient as well as Selûne's general appeal to a more female-dominated following.

Social Aptitude

Tormund Moss puts forth a strong and confident bravado and enjoys a fair amount risk-taking, coupled with the freedom that follows.


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Baron of the Tides   Sentry of the Steppes   Knight of Gold Waves
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
13th Day of Alturiak, 966 ATS
Year of Birth
966 ATS 34 Years old
Old World Blue
Blonde, Braided Ponytail, and Full Beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skinned
190 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Leonin, Orcish, and a small amount of Infernal
Ruled Locations

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