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Qyzharah Haleema Asherah Yrbnah Chadarah Yhl-Duryadh

Qyzharah Regnant Bakwari yhl Djouin'hir-Ymbaroul Haleema Asherah Yrbnah Chadarah Yhl-Duryadh (a.k.a. Ashi, The Hammer of Duryad, The Queen of the Seas)

She is the Qyzharah of Qyzharate of Duryad. And the twin-sister of the late Shamyhr yhl Jehir-Ymbaroul Orion Salicar ybn Balaur Yhl-Duryadh . She rules wisely and with compassion.   She is known also by the nicknames: the Dragon Queen, The Hammer of Duryad and The Queen/Qyzharah of the Seas

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

hour-glass body shape. fit. quite dexterious and nimble.

Special abilities

draconic magics

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Haleema is the youngest child and only daughter of Balaur Ybn Murad Duryadh and the silver dragon decendant, Chadarah Argethiel Shecaad. Haleema was a small child who was especially intelligent for her age, one that would be considered an "old soul". In her youth, Haleema was personally tutored in numerous disciplines, including riding, martial combat, arcane tradition, draconic sorcery,military tactics, and strategic gaming.   Haleema became Qyzharah by the age of nineteen. She saw herself as "the new Duryad" wanting nothing more than to share the prosperity of her empirewith the rest of the world, and encouraged her lords and knights to prove themselves to her by conquring lands.  
In our hands is the most illustrious, learned and most equitable empire in ours or any age. Our people are happy, educated and free. They know not of hunger or opression. But our kindred beyond our borders are not as fortunate. It's time we conquered these tyranical, kingdoms of luxury, and free their people. Be it by an open hand or clenshed fist, this is my word. That tyrant in Garagorm will know why we are The Eternal State. He will come to learn that his shores,IS our Dominion.   I say, we teach him why WE REMAIN UNVANQUISHED! After all, All our Rivals past subject to Duryad   I say... we show him what Dread and Blood really means"
— A Livid Asherah after reading the reports of violent fiergish raids in durish waters
  In her early years, she apparently led the life of a typical Duryad princess, receiving a formal education and undergoing training in courtly activities, including etiquette but also riding and martial skills. Davos, "the Laughing Lion", the Voice of Crown, sent Haleema to the Ravenskeep around the age of eight or nine, to get tutored by none other than Brand Ashfield. In addition to political learning, she was trained by the (in)famous Admiral, naval advisor and Zhervizar Zragar B. Maccall in magical combat, self defense and military strategy. She also learned some goblin and gnoll and spent much time with the castle falconers, learning about raptors like falcons, hawks, and owls. She even helped the hawkmaster and Birdkeeper to a train a young, black Blood hawk called Comet and her own Terror bird companion, Shamyhrah.   Much like her mother, Ashi grew to care deeply for the people of Duryad, and in her free time, she would often be seen helping the less fortunate and caring for orphaned children. Even during the Coast Plague returned in 17 PC , a terrible pandemic that ravaged the Concord and the Qyzharate, she was out amongst the ill, tending to each and every person she could and sending official aid to Takatbar.   As next in line for the throne, and later crowned sovereign, Ashi feelt a great responsibility upon her shoulders. She takes Her Royal duties seriously, though at times it is overwhelming.   At the age of 19, Asherah decided it was time to arrange potential suitors for herself. The young Qyzarah was not interested in romance at the time. However, Ashi knew that this was tradition and tradition is very important in the Duryad. She was visited by suitors local and afar. And sadly none of them were interesting to her. So Ashi has yet to get married, despite an increasing amount of pressure from her people, advisors, ancestors and her desires to find a sutable lifemate and continue her bloodline. She simply hasn't found the right person yet.   On the 8th of Summertide 9 PC, after prolinged hostilities, skirmishes and dipliomatic relations failing entirely, war was officially declared an hour after Fiergish forces launched their invasion of Thrakos, starting with the attack on the Duryadi naval base at Qurthi. The declaration of war was printed on the front page of all Duryadi newspapers' evening editions on Summertide 8. The document is subsequently printed again on the eighth day of each month throughout the war, a war that is still going to this day, though an unofficial "ceasefire" as both parties ar licking their wounds and gathering their strenght as they are bound to resume armed contact at a moments notice. As her trusted advisor, mentor and friend Zragar put it  
Naghron today is a circus made of partchment and firewood filled with jesters juggeling jars of alchemist fire … A single fumble will set off an inferno that will scorch and consume us all … I cannot tell you when that raging blaze will occur, but I can tell you where … Some damned foolish things in the in the sea between us will set it off.
— A concerned Zragar, sharing his worries with his son Morthos
    Tragedy would strike on the 15th of Alturiak, 11 AC as her beloved twin-brother, Crown Prince Orion Bint Balaur Duryadh was slain in battle, fighting the traitor Húndark Thorne. She mourns him to this day.

Gender Identity

idetifies as female


formal edeucation, world history, magic, governing, justice, negotiation, logistiks,

Accomplishments & Achievements

Negotiating peace with the stonecrows and moon brothers, founding Wadrun,Havenhold and trenfort


never harm children

Personality Characteristics


the prosperity of the empre and all her peoples.

Likes & Dislikes

enjoys tea, reading, learning anchient lore,

Virtues & Personality perks

gentle, forgiving, maternal, protective, compationate

Vices & Personality flaws

seacretly hating her father for the man he was, and his treatment of her brother


polishes scales daily, presteene to a fault


Religious Views

devout follower of Bahamut.


calm and soothing voice. posh common accsent


Qyzharah Haleema Asherah Yrbnah Chadarah Yhl-Duryadh

Sister (Vital)

Towards Shamyhr yhl Jehir-Ymbaroul Orion Salicar Ybn Balaur Yhl-Duryadh



Shamyhr yhl Jehir-Ymbaroul Orion Salicar Ybn Balaur Yhl-Duryadh

Brother (Vital)

Towards Qyzharah Haleema Asherah Yrbnah Chadarah Yhl-Duryadh




Asherah and her twin brother Orion both hatched shortly after their father Qyzhar Balaur Soroush ybn Murad Yhl-Duryadh became Qyzhar and after he became wed to Qyzharah consort Chadarah Khaliann Yrbnah Faerqish Yhl-Shecaad. Even at a young age, the twins were particularly gifted and close. Asherah turned out to be more, diplomaticly minded, curious and intelligent than her twin brother, as well as showing an inherent gift for statecraft. Indeed, as her brother was robbed of his title and claim to the throne, she found herself the next in line for the throne and spent her youth making friends and allies, learning the ropes of becoming Qyzharah. The two had many role models growing up: Davos, Zragar B. Maccal , Darina Goldor , and of course their uncle Shamyhr yhl Mudhab Melqart Behrouz bin Murad Yhl-Duryadh as well as the legacy of their mother and father.   Asherah always did and still does feel that her brother was unfairly treated and his fate was a great injustice. The two maintained a close bond until the very end. Tragedy would strike on Alturiak 15, 11 AC as Crown Prince Orion Balaur Duryadh was slain in battle, fighting the traitor Húndark Thorne. She mourns him to this day.

Nicknames & Petnames

turlasy: big Brother moxt myvish: little sister

Qyzharah Haleema Asherah Yrbnah Chadarah Yhl-Duryadh

niece-like figure (Important)

Towards Húndark Thorne



Húndark Thorne

uncle-like fugure (Important)

Towards Qyzharah Haleema Asherah Yrbnah Chadarah Yhl-Duryadh



Lawful Good
Current Status
Ruling her realm with wisdom and compassion, preppairing for war
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Her Imperial and Royal Majesty, Most venerable descendant of the Seven Heavens, Qyzharah of Duryad and Naghron's Isles, Her other Realms, Dependencies Colonies Territories and Durish Dominions beyond the Seas, by the Grace of of the Valiant Angel Bahamut and the will of the our Glorious Nation, Champion of The Eternal State, Defender of the Illustrious/Enlightened People,  Supreme Justice of the Realm and Chief magistrate of all courts, and King of Kings/Queen of Queens, Most High Sovereign of the Royal House of Duryadh"  Haleema Asherah Bint Chadarah Argethiel "The Hammer of Duryad, The Queen of the Seas" El Duryadh"
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
7th of Eleint 8AC
Year of Birth
8 AC 40 Years old
Circumstances of Death
unexpected and tragic
Djerad Sikta Duryad capitol
Current Residence
Sunset Copper with hint of gold and orange eyes, that burn with conviction
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
silver tame
1.75 m
65.4 kg
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
celestial, common, draconic, giant, elvish


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