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Shamyhr yhl Jehir-Ymbaroul Orion Salicar Ybn Balaur Yhl-Duryadh

Shamyhr yhl Jehir-Ymbaroul Orion Salicar Ybn Balaur Yhl-Duryadh (a.k.a. The Orphanmaker)

Crown Prince Orion Salicar Ybn Balaur Yhl-Duryadh (also known as "Orion" and "Ori" by close friends) was the son of Qyzhar Balaur Soroush bin Murad Yhl-Duryadh (a.k.a. el Kholnarghanni "the war axe") and Qyzharah consort Chadarah Khaliann Yrbnah Faerqish Yhl-Shecaad and twin brother to Qyzharah Regnant Bakwari yhl Djouin'hir-Ymbaroul Haleema Asherah Yrbnah Chadarah Yhl-Duryadh. Well educated, charismatic, and trained in combat by the palace's own "The voice of the Crown" and tutor, Qumandyhr-vizar Dahrwoush Aurelyon, and the (in)famous Admiral, naval advisor and Zhervizar Zragar B. Maccall. Orion may have looked severe, unfriendly and even intimidating at first glance, but he was actually a very straightforward, earnest, disciplined, caring, emotional and noble person, though maybe a bit clueless about social interactions due to his abusive, militaristic upbringing and complicated familylife. Orion was confident and prepared to be serve his nation, for he was next in line for the throne. However, despite this clear designation, he would not become Qyzhar(ah) due to intrigues within the royal house; Crown Prince Orion was passed over by his father in favour of his younger sister, Haleema. Many suspect that Dahrwoush, who hated the boy, had intentionally mislead the Qyzhar in his decision.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

bulky and broad build, with an abnormaly muscular tail. rare case of acuatic adaption in the form of gills.

Body Features

deep scars in palms and the back of his hands. whip marks on his back as signs of torture

Facial Features

dragon like snout, long whiskers and a chin frill.

Identifying Characteristics

a long scar over his right eye, snout and lower jaw. a mark left by his uncle after their first battle.

Special abilities

Overall Abilities:

Orion was an extremely powerful adventurer who claimed more lives than any of the other members of the BBEG Removal Squad. Orion displayed creativity and mastery over his fighting style. He was able to deal with close and long-ranged opponents through a mix of misdirection, aggression, defence, and use of the environment. His battleprowess allowed him to overwhelm his targets in armed combat and compensate for his magic's high restrictive activation cost.  

Indomitable Will:

  One of Orion's most prominent traits was his ability to never give up, befitting of his hero name. This was shown in two instances: where he continued to bridge the gap between him and Húndark Thorne regardless of the differences in their abilities, and continued to push past his limits and injuries in his battle against The Black Bloods.  

Holy Aura:

  Orion's mere precence had a strong impact on the psyches of others, even in during combat. He was able to frighten his enemies, despite having suffered severe injuries. He was also able to bolster his friends with unrivaled bravery and resolve, even during combat. Leadership Skills: As a natural consequence of his bravery and strategic mindset, Orion displayed leadership skills on various occasions.  

Enhanced Strength:

  After years of physical training, Orion possessed incredible levels of super strength. A single strike from Orion could not only defeat a villain, but kill them all together. Orion's pure overwhelming strength was still comparable to that of a fire giant. But despite that, his strength was not at the level of his uncle and nemesis Húndark Thorne (also known as The Executioner). He quite literally beat the shit out of an adult hydra and forced and The Black Bloods to out-think him rather than continue fighting him head-on. After defeating the hydra, Orion himself admitted that, compared to his past in which he might have defeated the hydra with 30 hits, it took only 6 strikes to defeat the multi-headed reptilian monstrosity. This is another testament of Orion's increasing power.  

Enhanced Durability:

  Orion possessed incredible durability as he was able to withstand Deagons's torture for multiple days when he was captured by Húndark, who was using multiple tools, even magic. He sustained no life-threatening damage from his battle with Húndark and took point blank, mid-level spells from Lander Storm without slowing down at all. Orion was even able to survive multiple attacs from a pack of gnolls and emerged unharmed with only some minor scratches.  

Enhanced Stamina:

Orion was far more resistant to pain than the average pro adventurer, as seen when he was able to keep standing up, despite receiving numerous attacks from the BBEG Removal Squad and long after his body should have been unable to move.    

Hands of Healing:

One of Orion's abilities allowed him to heal almost any wound by laying his hands on the injured person. Alternativly he could cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting them.

Apparel & Accessories

his journal, due to its magical properties it writes the owners enteries on its own.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Orion and his twin sister Asherah hatched shortly after Balaur Soroush bin Murad Yhl-Duryadh became wed to Chadarah Khaliann Yrbnah Faerqish Yhl-Shecaad. The twins sadly lost both their parents,would both perish at sea. only 3 years after Orion and Asherah hatched. Due to the untimely tragedy Orion was raised by the royal tutor Aurelyon—who only on his deathbed took an interest in his existence—, Orion and his half-sister Haleema quickly realized the only people they could truly rely on in this world were each other. It was at the age of ten when he was assigned in the army, not as the prince he realy was. but as any other noble. he served for many years, and quickly rose through the ranks. Wihile his siter was goomed and trained as ruling royalty. Orion turned his attention to the swordsmanship, warfare, and faith.   One evening, during a ball, his other mentor Hundark Thorne crashed the party and violently took control of the castle, killing or everyone who would stand in their way. This included Dahrwoush. Before the young prince could confront the half-orc traitor, Hundark had vanished. on that night he swore revenge on his old mentor turned traitor, for thretening his sister and for attempted regicide. And so, donned in his armour with his sword as his only traveling companion, he went out in the night. He barely remembered the next two years as he slowly made his way across country and wilderness looking for revenge.   one night Orion had a dream. an old man surrounded by canaries offered to guide him along his path. he promised that he would find the power within himself, to punish evil. When he awoke, Orion began his journey eastward.

Gender Identity



Ashfield's Academy for Heroics , and attended at the Duryad Imperial military university


Zheral under His late father figure Qumandyhr Zhervizar Dahrwoush Aurelyon and his sister Qyzharah Asherah Yrbnah Chadarah Yhl-Duryadh

Mental Trauma

suffered from extreme arachnophobia and had som sort of psychologica trauma after the Orphanmaker possesed him.

Intellectual Characteristics

Though he wasn't the most academically efficient his party, Orion possessed a strategic mind that was capable of deducing an enemy's weaknesses and combat style during combat. Orion likely developed this naturaly as he bacame a prominent military leader. He never learned how to read or write common.

Morality & Philosophy

A good commander should be a beacon of hope, the embodiment of bravery and selflessly protective. He belived that this was his duty and responcibility to his friends.

Personality Characteristics


Dreamed to learn the writen word, and to unleash his vengance upon his traitor uncle. Húndark Thorne The Executioner. First and foremost to protect those he love, and punish evil where ever it may be.

Likes & Dislikes

loved to eat pot-roasted bunny,

Virtues & Personality perks

Honest, emotional, determined, decisive and quick to act.


Family Ties

Being part of the durish imperial-royal family,Great Clan Yhl-Duryadh, Orion was proud of his lineage and works hard to meet the expectations put on him. Orion admired his younger twin-sister, Kapral Haleema Asherah Duryad, and wanted to become a leader similar to her. His bond with his sister was so strong that after Húndark Thorne tricked BBEG Removal Squad to murder Haleema, that Orion would have avenged her by trying to hunt down and kill Húndark himself, but due to the effects of his brainwashing this did not happen. He had four bestfriends : Ash, Darkis Fatspell, Valqine Cunning and Belmorn of witch he considered both kin and clan.

Religious Views

A zealot of his faith, and fully devoted to the beliefs and ideals of Bahamut. Belived that all the good gods are accseptable. but will slay those devoted to Tiamat, Salvador or any other gods that bring death, missery and destruction

Social Aptitude

Extremely comanding and chariamatic in large groups, yet humble and caring in personal conversations. proficent in etiquette, and knew his place on formal occations. Orion appeared to have a more brash and abrasive side to him, which typically showed up when he found himself in combat. This side of him made him act more like military commander, being rather loud and unwavering, and also with a strong drive towards victory. He claimed that this is because he belives that without a plan of attack and efficent teamwork, you will perish in battle. He has also admitted that he doesn't like this side of him very much and tends to keep it in check.


his hands had a tendency to twitch under stress and anxiety

Hobbies & Pets

enjoyed epic poetry, purging heretics and painting.


Was very well spoken, uses;quite and, indeed. frequently. deep raspy tone. Posh common accsent.


Qyzharah Haleema Asherah Yrbnah Chadarah Yhl-Duryadh

Sister (Vital)

Towards Shamyhr yhl Jehir-Ymbaroul Orion Salicar Ybn Balaur Yhl-Duryadh



Shamyhr yhl Jehir-Ymbaroul Orion Salicar Ybn Balaur Yhl-Duryadh

Brother (Vital)

Towards Qyzharah Haleema Asherah Yrbnah Chadarah Yhl-Duryadh




Asherah and her twin brother Orion both hatched shortly after their father Qyzhar Balaur Soroush ybn Murad Yhl-Duryadh became Qyzhar and after he became wed to Qyzharah consort Chadarah Khaliann Yrbnah Faerqish Yhl-Shecaad. Even at a young age, the twins were particularly gifted and close. Asherah turned out to be more, diplomaticly minded, curious and intelligent than her twin brother, as well as showing an inherent gift for statecraft. Indeed, as her brother was robbed of his title and claim to the throne, she found herself the next in line for the throne and spent her youth making friends and allies, learning the ropes of becoming Qyzharah. The two had many role models growing up: Davos, Zragar B. Maccal , Darina Goldor , and of course their uncle Shamyhr yhl Mudhab Melqart Behrouz bin Murad Yhl-Duryadh as well as the legacy of their mother and father.   Asherah always did and still does feel that her brother was unfairly treated and his fate was a great injustice. The two maintained a close bond until the very end. Tragedy would strike on Alturiak 15, 11 AC as Crown Prince Orion Balaur Duryadh was slain in battle, fighting the traitor Húndark Thorne. She mourns him to this day.

Nicknames & Petnames

turlasy: big Brother moxt myvish: little sister

Shamyhr yhl Jehir-Ymbaroul Orion Salicar Ybn Balaur Yhl-Duryadh

nephew (Vital)

Towards Húndark Thorne



Húndark Thorne

uncle-like fugure (Important)

Towards Shamyhr yhl Jehir-Ymbaroul Orion Salicar Ybn Balaur Yhl-Duryadh




Húndark Thorne uesd to be a good man. He helped raise Crown Prince Orion Balaur Duryadh and he became one of many father figures. Trained him in the art of martial combat. Húndark was the uesd to take Victarion on trips through out Preamor. but one day Húndark disapaired. Victarion continued to practice his skil with the blade. he got forcefully enlisted in The Duryad Royal Army. years went by. one day during one Davos's many redundant festivities, Hundark, assisted by The Black Bloods, broke inn to the ball room and assasinated Davos.

Commonalities & Shared Interests


Shamyhr yhl Jehir-Ymbaroul Orion Salicar Ybn Balaur Yhl-Duryadh

page (Important)

Towards Dahrwoush Aurelyon



Dahrwoush Aurelyon

Father figure (Trivial)

Towards Shamyhr yhl Jehir-Ymbaroul Orion Salicar Ybn Balaur Yhl-Duryadh



Scarlet dragonborn paladin of vengance, with a hard extirior and a heart of pure gold.

View Character Profile
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Outlaw Prince Crimson
  • Qumandyhr Qyzh'vizar yhl Jehir-Ymbaroul
  • Shamyhr yhl Jehir-Ymbaroul
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
7th of Eleint, 8 AC
Date of Death
15th of Alturiak, 11 AC
8 AC 11 PC 19 years old
Circumstances of Birth
unexpected by his father
Circumstances of Death
Killed by his mentor Hundark Thorne
The Duryadi Royal Palace
Place of Death
The Moaning Caves
Emerald green and Crimson red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
His scales were the of metallic red and Crimson
6 ft 10 in
320 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"strategic value absolute", " tits of tamat. "...what more can you take from me?". "when i am done with you uncle i wil drink your Blood from a boot!
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Ghazhak, Draconic, Infernal

Curious Begiinnings
Middas. 13 Eleint 10 AC

Today i died for the second time sinse i crossed the mekradian border. However my soul did not acend to the heavens, my oath binds me to this life until i have fulfilled my purpose. Grim drank a potion we bought from a certain merchant. soon after Nimblebottom god of trickery and knowlenge appered infront of my lifeless body. Nimblebottom grantied wish to Grim, and in the blink of an eye, the ring of wishes was in his grasp. suddenly i felt a pulse of pure life energy surging through my body.   a fiend appeared in front of Grim, as i was gaining my consiousness. He spoke of the demise of Grim's family, he blamed Grim for my death and from now on his essense would wither untill he had prooven himself. Our mission is now to kill someone called the "Golden Emperor". the city of zook is our destination

Vengance and a Burial
Sundas 24. Eleint 10 AC

After Salvador killed my friends, leeaving nothing but pools of crimson, I attacked my uncle. I vigorously fought him singel-handedly, but his new power was potent and he owerpowered me. Then after my defeat, Daegon, the chain devil tortured me. He used every tool imaginable. but I showed no weakness or signs of pain. He interogated me endlessly. Minutes became hours Hours became days and nights. He questioned me about the identities of Lander, Grimm and Bennet. Who they were, and what they meant to me. when he grew bored he threw me of a cliffside. i was barely conssious and i had metal rods jammed in me. they lef me for dead.   They came to me from Docroft, Evenwood and Frankstad. They died protecting men, women and children who will never know their names. It is for me to remember them, to tell their story. My family, my brothers, my sister. I shall never see their lika again.

Darkest Hour
Fredas 22. Eleint 10 AC

Today I bring terrible news. Shortly after defeating Húndark's arachnid monstrosity, we realised that a doppleganger hand taken Húndark's form and we had been fooled. Before we had any time to react we were teleported to Húndark's hideout. We woke caged to a depressing spectacle. An Infernal altar lit with candles . My uncle then revealed himself holding the pouch containing Salvador Bronson's ashes. he brough forth an angel he had killed and a blue glass-icosagon. And so the ritual starteded. i tried to interupt, but it was to no awail. And so Salvador Bronson was resurected. Bronson rewarded my uncle's "lojalty" and "devotion" by infusing him with the remnants of Salvadors fiendish magics. The lich the noticed me an my struggle. with a snapp of his fingers he turned my combusted my friends, leaving nothing but pools of blood.

A Spark of Adventure
Fredas 15. Eleint. 10 AC

Yesterday we teleprted to the city of Zook. We managed to track down The Golden Emperor through the squalid sewers of the city. To our suprise he was not some run-of-the-mill ruffian, but a crimeboss and owner of a drugcartel. It seemed like he was using kobolds( i love their little face) as his persional servants. After a slight scirmish, we killed the druglord, thanks to our new teammate Lander Storm. As a reward for finnishing our first set of Nimblebottoms strange potions, i was granted my fathers sunblade. Before the appropriate authorities burned all the drugs and documents, we grabed a few papers with the mark of The Black Bloods. Thanks to Lander's mind and magic, we decrypted them. Húndark will recive something in Docroft., and the papers mentioned a "beast"!   Lander is a blue tiefling with draconic magics. kind and curious in nature. (she is also affraid of NOPES ! )


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