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11. Bonastable Pond

The blue and violet waterfalls pour softly into a timid pond bejeweled with white and green water lilies, the trees rise tall and slender up from the grassy flower spangled turf, proudly stretching their leafy limbs towards the clear blur sky. A silvery flash and resulting splash alert you to the presence of fish in what must be the village’s stock pond. The reed-fringed pool seems abuzz with life. Jewel-like dragonflies zip over the water, a chorus of frogs sing from somewhere in the shallows, and the sun glimmers off its surface like shining gold.
Bonastable Pond is a tranquil and vibrant oasis located at the western edge of Sheernobb, near the docks and the windmill. This idyllic pond is a hub of life and relaxation for the villagers, surrounded by tall trees, vibrant water lilies, and the scent of wild mint and sweet clover. The pond is a cherished spot for fishing, leisure, and connecting with nature.

The Pond

  • Visual Beauty: The blue and violet waterfalls pour softly into a timid pond bejeweled with white and green water lilies. The sun glimmers off its surface like shining gold.
  • Lush Surroundings: The trees rise tall and slender from the grassy, flower-spangled turf, proudly stretching their leafy limbs toward the clear blue sky.
  • Abundant Life: Jewel-like dragonflies zip over the water, a chorus of frogs sings from the shallows, and fish create silvery flashes and splashes in the pond.
Aromatic Ambiance
  • Wild Mint and Sweet Clover: The air is filled with the scent of wild mint and sweet clover, enhancing the serene atmosphere.
  • Reeds and Water Lilies: The reed-fringed pool is adorned with floating leaves and water lilies, adding to its natural charm.

Significance and History

Cultural Importance
  • Community Hub: Bonastable Pond is a central gathering place for the villagers, fostering a sense of community and belonging.
  • Tradition: The pond has been a cherished spot for generations, with traditions and memories woven into its history.
Natural Ecosystem
  • Biodiversity: The pond supports a rich ecosystem, providing a habitat for various species of fish, insects, amphibians, and plants.
  • Conservation: The villagers take pride in maintaining the pond's health and beauty, ensuring it remains a thriving natural oasis.

Politics of Verbobonc

  • Environmental Stewardship: The village council prioritizes the conservation and upkeep of Bonastable Pond, recognizing its importance to the community.
  • Community Events: The pond often serves as a venue for village events and celebrations, reinforcing its role in local politics and social life.
  • Headgnome Glennddarc Keeleene: Glennddarc supports initiatives to protect and enhance Bonastable Pond, recognizing its value to the village.


Community Bonds
  • Shared Space: Bonastable Pond serves as a shared space where villagers come together, strengthening social bonds and fostering a sense of unity.
  • Intergenerational Connection: The pond is a place where stories and traditions are passed down, connecting different generations of villagers.
External Relations
  • Visitors: The pond attracts visitors from nearby villages, creating opportunities for cultural exchange and economic benefit.
  • Environmental Allies: The villagers work with environmental groups and neighboring communities to protect the pond and its surroundings.
  Bonastable Pond stands as a testament to the natural beauty and community spirit of Sheernobb. It is a place where villagers come together to relax, fish, and enjoy the wonders of nature, fostering a deep connection with their environment and each other. The pond's vibrant ecosystem and cultural significance make it a cherished part of Sheernobb, inspiring efforts to preserve and protect this serene oasis for future generations.  
Secret: The Pond Fairy
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Calliroe, the Pond Fairy

Bonastable Pond is home to a secretive and gentle faery known as Calliroe. Also known as a selkie, she has a soft and kind demeanor, with no violent streak. As part of her disguise among mortals, she wears a seal skin. If Calliroe finds a mortal worthy of loving, she will shed her seal skin and reveal her true beauty. The possessor of her seal skin will become a master over her.
Faery Abilities
  • Faery Glamour: Calliroe can magically disguise herself or any object within a 10 ft. radius to appear as anything she desires for 1 hour per HD.
  • Faery Lure: Produces a seductive scent that lures those within a 5 ft. radius/HD who fail a charisma save. Acts as a charm person spell with a duration of 5 rounds.
  • Shapeshifting: Able to transform into another race, person, or animal upon command. Can be used a number of times per day equal to HD +2.
  • Wild Hunt: Prone to joining the Wild Hunt if called by The Horned One or a similar nature deity. During the Hunt, participants will track, run down, and kill any creature they encounter.
  • Winged Ways: Possesses wings of an insect, bird, or bat, and has a fly speed of 70 ft.
Calliroe's Plight
Calliroe's tampering with scrying has gained the attention of the cult of Orcus and agents of the Temple of Elemental Evil. Since being detected using her scrying devices, she is terrified to use them again. The high priest of Orcus has summoned a demon to seek her out, making her existence at Bonastable Pond even more perilous.
Bonastable Pond by 3orcs

Activities and Community Engagement

  • Stock Pond: The pond is a well-stocked fishing spot, providing a bountiful catch for the villagers.
  • Leisurely Pastime: Locals spend their days fishing on the banks, enjoying the warm sun, soft grass or moss, and the sounds of nature.
  • Nature's Symphony: The pond is abuzz with life, from the buzz and hum of insects to the flapping wings of birds and the croaking of frogs.
  • Community Gathering: Villagers gather by the pond to relax, share stories, and connect with each other.
Tasting Nature
  • Grass Stalks: Gnomes often pluck grass stalk shoots from the ground to taste their dewy sweetness, enjoying the simple pleasures of nature.
Parent Location

Opinions on Bonastable Pond

Community Gem
"Bonastable Pond is the heart of our village. It's a place where we come together, relax, and enjoy the beauty of nature."
Natural Beaut
"The pond's serene waters and vibrant surroundings are a constant reminder of the wonders of the natural world."
Leisure Spot
"Fishing by the pond on a sunny day is one of life's simple pleasures. It's a perfect way to unwind and connect with nature."
Cultural Significance
"Our traditions and memories are tied to this pond. It's a cherished part of our village's history and identity."
Biodiversity Haven
"The pond is teeming with life, from fish and frogs to dragonflies and birds. It's a vital part of our local ecosystem."
Environmental Stewardship
"We take great pride in maintaining the health and beauty of Bonastable Pond. It's our responsibility to protect this natural treasure."
Tourism and Trade
"Visitors from neighboring villages come to see the pond, contributing to our local economy and helping to promote Sheernobb's charm."

Cover image: Sheernobb Banner by 3orcs


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