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21. Dinjidac Apothecary

Descending into this burrow the myriad fragrances of dried herbs, fungi, and bubbling liquids create an overwhelming mingling of scents, sharp and acrid, though not unpleasant. Dusty shelves line the walls, each laden with glass bottles stoppered with corks. The labels on the bottles, though faded, include the ingredients and instructions for use—everything from antiseptic liquid to clotting powder to creams to relieve boils, burns, and bruises.
Dinjidac Apothecary, located in the quaint gnome village of Sheernobb, is the primary source of medicinal herbs and potions. Run by the knowledgeable Dinjidac Gnoomdehock and his wife Sheely, this shop provides essential care to the villagers. Despite the ongoing bandit activity disrupting trade routes, the apothecary remains a cornerstone of the community's health and well-being.
Exterior and Ambiance
The apothecary is a cozy burrow nestled into the hillside, with a small wooden sign hanging above the entrance reading "Dinjidac Apothecary." A cobblestone path leads to the door, and the scent of herbs wafts out, inviting visitors inside.
Interior Design
  • Scents and Atmosphere: The interior is filled with the mingling fragrances of dried herbs, fungi, and bubbling liquids, creating an overwhelming but pleasant aroma.
  • Shelves and Bottles: Dusty shelves line the walls, each laden with glass bottles stoppered with corks. The faded labels include ingredients and instructions for use.
  • Workstation: A central wooden table is cluttered with mortar and pestle, cutting boards, and various herbs in different stages of preparation.

Location and Layout

Main Shop Area
  • Shelves and Storage: Shelves filled with glass bottles, jars of dried herbs, and various potions.
  • Display Table: A table displaying the most popular remedies, including antiseptic liquid, clotting powder, and creams for boils, burns, and bruises.
  • Herb Preparation: An area dedicated to the preparation of herbs, with tools and drying racks.
  • Potion Brewing: A small cauldron bubbles away, brewing the latest batch of healing potions.


Founding and Evolution
Dinjidac Apothecary has been a vital part of Sheernobb for generations. Dinjidac and Sheely took over the shop from Dinjidac's father and have since expanded their range of remedies.
Significant Events
  • Community Support: The apothecary has been crucial during times of illness and injury, providing essential care to the villagers.
  • Trade Relations: Despite recent disruptions, the apothecary maintains strong trade relationships with merchants and travelers.

Politics of Verbobonc

  • Community Health: Dinjidac plays a central role in maintaining the health of the villagers, advocating for their needs.
  • Security Concerns: Recent bandit activity has heightened the focus on protecting trade routes and ensuring the apothecary remains stocked.
Regional Influence
  • Trade Relations: The apothecary relies on trade for some herbs and ingredients, maintaining positive relations with neighboring villages and traders.
  • Political Alliances: Works with regional leaders to address security concerns and ensure a steady supply of medicinal ingredients.
Key Political Figures
  • Dinjidac Gnoomdehock: Respected herbalist and advocate for the health of the village.
  • Sheely Gnoomdehock: Active in the community, supporting her husband's initiatives and fostering strong local bonds.


Community Bonds
  • Paternal Care: Dinjidac and Sheely view the villagers as their extended family, fostering a strong sense of unity.
  • Family Unity: The Gnoomdehock family works together to run the apothecary, supporting each other and the community.
External Relations
  • Trade Partners: Maintains positive relations with neighboring villages and traders.
  • Political Allies: Works with regional leaders to address security and economic concerns.

Opinions on Bandit Raids

Trade Disruption
"These bandit raids are a severe threat to our trade routes. We must take action to protect our merchants and ensure the safety of our village."
Community Safety
"The safety of Sheernobb is my top priority. We need to strengthen our defenses and work with neighboring villages to address this threat."
Economic Impact
"Every disrupted trade route is a blow to our economy. We must find a way to secure our roads and protect our livelihoods."
Call for Action
"The Viscount must reinstate the Mounted Borderer patrols in the Kron Hills. We need their support to keep the bandits at bay."
Long-Term Solutions
"We must develop long-term strategies to ensure the safety and prosperity of our village. It's a challenge we must face together."
Community Resilience
"Our village has faced challenges before, and we will overcome this one too. Together, we can protect our trade and our people."
Collaborative Efforts
"We need to work closely with neighboring villages and regional leaders to address this threat. It's a collective effort that requires unity and cooperation."
Dinjidac Gnoomdehock by 3orcs
Dinjidac Gnoomdehock
Dinjidac is a stout gnome with a bushy beard and twinkling green eyes. He wears a simple brown tunic and a belt filled with pouches of herbs.
  • Personality: Knowledgeable, meticulous, and caring. Known for his dedication to the well-being of the villagers.
  • Background: Trained in herbalism and potion-making, Dinjidac has been the village herbalist for decades.
  • Motivation: Ensuring the health and safety of the village through his medicinal knowledge.
  • Political Relationships: Maintains a close relationship with the Keeleene family and supports their leadership.
Sheely Gnoomdehock by 3orcs
Sheely Gnoomdehock
Sheely is a petite gnome with curly auburn hair and bright blue eyes. She wears a green apron with numerous pockets for herbs and tools.
  • Personality: Compassionate, efficient, and cheerful. She assists Dinjidac with the preparation and sale of remedies.
  • Background: Grew up in Sheernobb and has a deep knowledge of local herbs.
  • Motivation: Helping her husband run the apothecary and caring for the villagers.
  • Political Relationships: Active in the local community, fostering strong bonds with neighbors and the Keeleene family.
Parent Location
Possible List of herbs and fungi sold and desired
Herbalism Harvesting

Cover image: Sheernobb Banner by 3orcs


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