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7. Naglo Crystal Divine Shop

Bright baubles and pretty little things abound, dangling from hooks, laid across tables, and collected in boxes. Rings, necklaces, hair pins, bracelets, arm bands and more seem to be on offer. Although none of it looks outlandishly expensive, you do spy a few items with gems, settings of precious metal, or both.
The Naglo Crystal Divine Shop is a unique and enchanting establishment in the gnome village of Sheernobb. Specializing in scrying crystals, mirrors, looking glasses, and protective charms, the shop is run by the eccentric and paranoid Naglo. Despite his peculiarities, Naglo's shop offers a variety of useful items and inventive tools, making it a must-visit for adventurers and villagers alike.
Exterior and Ambiance
Bright baubles and pretty little things abound in this charming shop, enticing visitors with their sparkle and allure. The shop is nestled in a cozy cottage, with colorful items dangling from hooks, laid across tables, and collected in boxes.
Interior Design
  • Display Area: Rings, necklaces, hair pins, bracelets, arm bands, and more are on display. While most items are modestly priced, a few boast gems and precious metal settings.
  • Invention Showcase: Naglo's inventive tools, such as the 'Peek-around' and 'Hearing Helm,' are prominently featured.
Notable Features
  • Scrying Crystals: Various crystals used for divination and scrying.
  • Mirrors and Looking Glasses: Tools for observation and exploration.
  • Protective Charms: Wards and charms designed to offer protection from various threats.


Founding and Evolution
Naglo established the Crystal Divine Shop many decades ago, initially as a small booth selling simple scrying crystals and mirrors. Over time, his shop expanded to include a wide range of mystical tools and protective items.
Significant Events
  • Expansion: The shop grew in size and reputation, attracting a diverse clientele from Sheernobb and beyond.
  • Bandit Encounters: Naglo’s paranoia intensified following multiple encounters with bandits, leading him to develop more protective charms and inventive tools.

Politics of Verbobonc

Naglo maintains a low profile in local politics, preferring to focus on his shop and inventions. However, he supports measures to enhance village security.
Regional Influence
  • Trade and Commerce: The shop plays a role in regional trade by providing unique and valuable items to merchants and adventurers.
  • Security Concerns: Naglo is vocal about the need for increased security measures to protect against bandit activity.
Key Political Figures
  • Headgnome Glennddarc Keeleene: Although not directly involved in politics, Naglo respects Headgnome Glennddarc and supports his leadership.
  • Merchants and Traders: Engages with traders to ensure the safe passage of goods and services.


Despite his eccentricities, Naglo is a well-known and respected figure in Sheernobb. His shop is a popular destination for those seeking unique items and protective charms.
External Relations
  • Merchants: Works with traders to supply mystical tools and protective items.
  • Neighboring Villages: Maintains connections with other gnome settlements and human villages to enhance regional trade and security.
Staff Dynamics
The sole proprietor, Naglo manages the shop and engages with customers, often sharing his knowledge and experiences.

Opinions on Bandit Raid Problems

  • Deep Concern: Naglo is deeply troubled by the increasing bandit activity and its impact on trade.
  • Advocate for Security: He believes that more proactive measures should be taken to address the threat and protect the village and its merchants.
  • Personal Experience: His paranoia is partly fueled by past encounters with bandits, leading him to develop more protective charms and inventive tools.
  Naglo’s Crystal Divine Shop stands as a testament to his dedication to security and innovation. With its unique array of mystical tools and protective items, the shop plays a crucial role in the cultural and economic landscape of Sheernobb, offering valuable resources to villagers and adventurers alike.
Naglo's Secret: The Demon Stalker
Show spoiler
Naglo, the eccentric owner of the Naglo Crystal Divine Shop in Sheernobb, harbors a deep, dark secret. His tampering with scrying has inadvertently drawn the attention of the Cult of Orcus and the agents of the Temple of Elemental Evil. Terrified and convinced that a demon is hunting him, Naglo lives in constant fear, refraining from using his scrying devices.
The Demon Stalker
Naglo's Fear
Naglo is convinced that a demon is after him. This fear stems from his past tampering with scrying, which has not gone unnoticed by sinister forces.
The Cult of Orcus
Naglo's use of scrying devices attracted the attention of the Cult of Orcus. The high priest of Orcus, upon detecting Naglo's activities, has summoned a demon to seek him out.
Temple of Elemental Evil
Agents of the Temple of Elemental Evil have also become aware of Naglo’s scrying attempts. This has added another layer of danger to Naglo’s already precarious situation.
Impact on Naglo
Paranoia and Fear
Naglo's already paranoid nature has been exacerbated by the knowledge that a demon is hunting him. He lives in constant fear, rarely using his scrying devices despite their importance to his shop.
Changes in Behavior
  • Increased Secrecy: Naglo has become even more secretive and cautious, often working late at night to avoid detection.
  • Reluctance to Scry: Despite his expertise, Naglo refrains from using his scrying devices, fearing that any use might attract the demon closer.
Protective Measures
  • Enhanced Charms: Naglo has developed more potent protective charms and wards, not just for his customers but for his own safety.
  • Hiding Spots: He has created hidden compartments and secret rooms within his shop and burrow to evade any potential threats.

Political and Social Relationships

With Sheernobb
  • Headgnome Glennddarc: While Naglo respects and supports Headgnome Glennddarc, he has not shared his secret with him, fearing it might put the entire village at risk.
  • Community Perception: The villagers of Sheernobb see Naglo as an eccentric but valuable member of the community. They are unaware of the true extent of his fears and the danger he faces.
Hearing Helm by 3orcs
Naglo by 3orcs
"The Crystal Divine Shop is a treasure trove of mystical wonders."
Naglo the Paranoid Gnome
Illusionist 7th level
  • Physical Appearance: Naglo is an aging gnome with a frazzled appearance, often seen with a nervous twitch and wide, wary eyes. His hair is a wild mess of grey, and he typically wears a patchwork cloak adorned with pockets.
  • Personality: Neurotic and paranoid, Naglo is always on edge. Despite his eccentricities, he is incredibly inventive and deeply knowledgeable about his craft.
  • Background: Naglo has lived in Sheernobb for many years, dedicating his life to the study and creation of mystical tools and protective charms. His paranoia stems from past experiences with bandits and thieves.
  • Motivation: Naglo is driven by a desire to protect himself and others from harm. His inventions and charms are designed to offer security and peace of mind to those who purchase them.
"The Crystal Divine Shop is a sanctuary for those seeking protection and mystical tools."
Shop, Magic
Parent Location
Unique Magical Trinkets from Naglo's Crystal Divine Shop
1. Peek-Around Tube
Price: 500 gp A square tube with two mirrors inside, allowing the user to see around corners without being detected. This invention is popular among spies and scouts for its simplicity and effectiveness.
2. Hearing Helm
Price: 750 gp
A helmet with two gramophone bells welded onto a bucket, enhancing the wearer's hearing. While it looks comical, it can detect faint sounds up to 60 feet away.
3. Whispering Locket
Price: 1000 gp
A silver locket that, when opened, allows the wearer to whisper messages that can be heard by the person the locket is attuned to, up to 500 feet away. Ideal for discreet communication.
4. Cloak of Shadows
Price: 2000 gp
A patchwork cloak enchanted to blend with the surroundings, granting the wearer advantage on Stealth checks while in dim light or darkness.
5. Safe-Step Anklet
Price: 1500 gp
An anklet that emits a soft glow when the wearer is about to step on unstable ground or a trap. This trinket is invaluable for adventurers exploring unknown terrains.
6. Guardian Stone
Price: 500 gp
A small, smooth stone inscribed with protective runes. When placed at the entrance of a campsite or home, it creates an invisible barrier that alerts the owner if anyone crosses it.
7. Charm of Featherfall
Price: 1200 gp
A small feather encased in amber. When activated, it casts the Featherfall spell on the wearer, preventing damage from falls for up to 60 feet.
8. Echo Crystal
Price: 900 gp
A crystal that records and plays back sounds. It can record up to one hour of audio, making it useful for keeping verbal notes or capturing conversations.
9. Lantern of True Sight
Price: 3000 gp
A lantern that, when lit, reveals any illusions or invisible creatures within a 30-foot radius. The light shines with a soft blue glow, dispelling shadows and deception.
10. Ward of Protection
Price: 1000 gp
A small amulet inscribed with protective runes. Once per day, it can cast the Shield spell, providing a temporary boost to the wearer's defense in dire situations.  
Naglos Burrow to the west

Cover image: Sheernobb Banner by 3orcs


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