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6. The Book-End

This small cottage is in fact a shop as the little sign on the gate denotes. Books and maps clutter the windows and a studded oak door bears the sign “Welcome to the Book-End.”   This dimly-lit bookshop has clearly been constructed to the specifications of the owner, and what the owner wants to do is read books when not helping customers. Behind the counter, a plush chair with a clever reclining mechanism allows them to put their feet on an equally plush stool. Over the counter, two glass bulbs, tinted green to reduce eye strain, hold burning candles, perfectly positioned for comfortable reading. And there are books: books beyond counting, books crammed in every available shelf, and books stacked on tables and trolleys. Inside, hundreds of books, maps and scrolls fill solid oak shelves. Behind a desk sized for a human, perched on a massive cushion-covered chair, sits the gnome Grindin Well-Read.
The Book-End is a charming and eclectic bookshop located in the heart of the gnome village of Sheernobb. Specializing in books, maps, and scrolls, this quaint shop is a treasure trove for scholars, adventurers, and curious minds alike. Owned by the gnome illusionist Grindin, The Book-End serves not only as a retail establishment but also as a hub for knowledge, offering services such as book and map copying.
Exterior and Ambiance
Nestled within a small cottage, The Book-End is instantly recognizable by the cluttered display of books and maps in its windows and a studded oak door bearing the welcoming sign, “Welcome to the Book-End.” The quaint exterior belies the wealth of knowledge contained within.
Interior Design
  • Reading Nook: Behind the counter, a plush chair with a reclining mechanism allows the owner to read comfortably when not assisting customers.
  • Lighting: Two glass bulbs, tinted green to reduce eye strain, hold burning candles that provide soft, comfortable lighting.
  • Books and Maps: Shelves crammed with books, maps, and scrolls line the walls. Tables and trolleys overflow with literary treasures.


Founding and Evolution
The Book-End was founded by Grindin as a place where he could indulge his passion for books and maps while providing a valuable resource to the community. Over the years, it has become a beloved institution in Sheernobb.
Significant Events
  • Establishment: The Book-End quickly became popular among the villagers and visitors for its vast collection and the services it offers.
  • Community Role: Grindin also serves as a notary for the village, handling business documents and other important paperwork.

Politics of Verbobonc

Grindin maintains a positive relationship with the village council and other local businesses, often assisting with notarial duties and document preparations.
Regional Influence
  • Trade and Commerce: The Book-End plays a role in regional trade by providing valuable maps and books to merchants and adventurers.
  • Security Concerns: Grindin is aware of the bandit activity affecting merchant wagons along the 'Long Road' and advocates for increased security measures.
Key Political Figures
  • Headgnome Glennddarc Keeleene: Works closely with Grindin on matters of village security and documentation.
  • Merchants and Traders: Engages with traders to ensure safe passage and address issues of banditry.


Community Bonds
The Book-End is a beloved part of Sheernobb, serving as a hub for knowledge and a meeting place for scholars and adventurers. Grindin’s friendly nature and willingness to help have endeared him to the villagers.
External Relations
  • Merchants: Works to provide accurate maps and valuable information to traders and travelers.
  • Neighboring Villages: Maintains alliances with other gnome settlements in the Greenway Valley and human villages in the Verbobonc, Viscounty to enhance regional stability and trade.
Staff Dynamics
The sole proprietor, Grindin manages the shop, engages with customers, and handles notarial duties.

Opinions on Bandit Raid Problems

  • Concerned: Grindin is deeply concerned about the increasing bandit activity affecting merchant wagons.
  • Advocate for Action: He believes that more proactive measures should be taken to address the threat and protect trade routes.
  • Frustration: Frustrated by the lack of sufficient response from regional authorities, Grindin often voices his concerns to Headgnome Glennddarc and other village leaders.
  The Book-End stands as a testament to Grindin’s dedication to knowledge and his commitment to serving the community of Sheernobb. With its vast collection of books and maps, the shop is a vital resource for scholars, adventurers, and traders, playing a crucial role in the village’s cultural and economic landscape.
Grindin by 3orcs
"The Book-End is more than a shop; it’s a sanctuary for scholars and adventurers."
Grindin the Illusionist
NG male gnome illusionist 3
  • Physical Appearance: Small, even for a gnome, Grindin has a shock of white hair that seems to defy gravity. He wears thick-lensed glasses and a thin grey robe under a long black cloak.
  • Personality: Grindin is more of a scholar than a typical wizard. He is meticulous, curious, and deeply passionate about books and maps. Despite his scholarly demeanor, he is friendly and enjoys engaging with customers.
  • Background: Grindin has spent years collecting and recreating personal treasures such as maps and journals. His love for knowledge and literature led him to establish The Book-End.
"Grindin’s maps are the best in the region; I wouldn't trust anyone else."
Parent Location
Items for sale
  • Local Maps: Available for purchase at 4 gp.
  • Book Copying: Priced at 15 gp.
  • Map Copying: Offered at 1 gp.

Opinions on Bandit Raids from Grindin

Scholarly Concern
"The disruption of trade routes by these bandits is not just a local issue; it affects the entire region’s flow of knowledge and goods. We must address this to preserve our scholarly connections."
Impact on Business
"These raids are disastrous for my business. Rare books and valuable maps are often transported through these roads. Losing such treasures to banditry is unacceptable."
Security Measures
"We need to employ more advanced security measures. Enchanted wards and protective charms could be distributed to caravans to deter and detect bandit attacks."
Historical Parallels
"In my studies, I've read about similar periods of unrest. It’s often the case that unchecked banditry can lead to larger conflicts. We must prevent this escalation."
Collaborative Defense
"Collaboration between merchants, local guards, and scholars like myself could create a more comprehensive defense strategy. Sharing information and resources is crucial to overcoming this threat."

Cover image: Sheernobb Banner by 3orcs


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