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9. Peony Mill

Peony Mill is a pivotal establishment in the gnome village of Sheernobb, responsible for grinding grain and providing flour for the community. Operated by the Peon family for over 100 years, the mill is a symbol of tradition and hard work. Despite recent bandit activity disrupting trade routes, the Peon family remains committed to their vital role in Sheernobb.
Exterior and Ambiance
The Peony Mill stands proudly on the eastern bank of Bonastable Pond. Its windmill panes turn slowly in the Lortmil winds, producing a rhythmic sound of grinding stone over grain. A rickety set of wooden steps leads up to the unlocked side door.
Interior Design
  • Main Floor: Several sacks of grain stand next to the hopper, which feeds grain to the millstone in the cellar below.
  • Millstone Cellar: The sound of the millstone grinding can be heard from below, a constant reminder of the mill's ongoing work.
  • Family Workspace: The mill also serves as a workspace for the Peon family, with tools and supplies neatly organized for efficiency.

Products and Services

Grain and Flour Processing
  • Grain Grinding: The mill grinds various types of grain brought in by local farmers.
  • Flour Production: The primary output of the mill is flour, essential for baking and cooking within the village.
Community Market
  • Weekly Market Participation: The Peon family participates in the weekly outdoor market, selling freshly ground flour and other grain products.
Additional Services
  • Custom Grinding: The mill offers custom grinding services for unique grains and special orders.
  • Storage: Provides temporary storage for grain and flour, ensuring fresh supply for the community.


Founding and Evolution
The Peony Mill has been a cornerstone of Sheernobb for over 100 years. Founded by Smarbass's great-grandfather, the mill has seen several generations of the Peon family dedicating their lives to its operation.
Significant Events
  • Modernization: Over the years, the mill has been updated with improved machinery and techniques, ensuring efficient grain processing.
  • Community Role: The mill has played a crucial role in Sheernobb's growth, providing essential resources for baking and cooking.

Politics of Verbobonc

The Peon family is actively involved in local politics, supporting initiatives to enhance village security and trade. Smarbass often collaborates with Headgnome Glennddarc on community projects.
Regional Influence
  • Trade and Commerce: The mill's products are vital for local trade, making it an important economic player in the region.
  • Security Concerns: The Peon family advocates for increased security measures to protect trade routes from bandit activity.
Key Political Figures
  • Headgnome Glennddarc Keeleene: Smarbass respects and supports Glennddarc's leadership, working together to address village concerns.
  • Merchants and Traders: Engages with traders to ensure the safe transport of grain and flour, advocating for secure trade routes.


Community Bonds
The Peon family is well-respected in Sheernobb, known for their dedication and hard work. They have strong relationships with other villagers, often participating in community events and markets.
External Relations
  • Merchants: Works closely with merchants to supply grain and flour, maintaining positive trade relationships.
  • Neighboring Villages: Collaborates with neighboring gnome settlements and human villages to support regional trade and security.
Staff Dynamics
  • Smarbass: The experienced and knowledgeable miller, managing the mill's operations and engaging with customers.
  • Lilian: The supportive and nurturing partner, ensuring the mill runs smoothly and the family stays connected.
  • Glibin, Nimsy, and Poppy: The next generation, each contributing to the mill's success and community involvement.

Opinions on Bandit Raids

Trade Disruption
"These bandit raids are a menace. They disrupt our trade routes and make it difficult for us to get the supplies we need."
Community Safety
"The safety of our village is at risk. We need to take stronger measures to protect our roads and ensure our people can travel safely."
Economic Impact
"Every lost shipment is a blow to our economy. We rely on these goods to keep our mill running and our village thriving."
Call for Action
"We need more security on the roads. The Viscount must reinstate the Mounted Borderer patrols to keep the bandits at bay."
Long-Term Solutions
"We must find a long-term solution to this problem. Our village's future depends on safe and reliable trade routes."   Peony Mill is a testament to the Peon family's dedication and hard work. With its essential role in Sheernobb's economy and community, the mill continues to provide vital resources and foster strong relationships, ensuring the village's prosperity and security.
Peony Mill by 3orcs

The Peon Family

Smarbass Peon
  • Personality: Hardworking, dedicated, patient, and meticulous.
  • Background: Lifelong miller, continuing the Peon family tradition.
  • Motivation: Providing for Sheernobb and upholding the family legacy.
  • Political Relationships: Strong ties with village leaders, supports security and trade initiatives.
Lilian Peon
  • Personality: Cheerful, nurturing, friendly, and welcoming.
  • Background: Lifelong partner in the mill, contributing to its success.
  • Motivation: Ensuring the mill's smooth operation and supporting local markets.
  • Political Relationships: Engages with village families, fostering community unity.
Glibin Peon
  • Personality: Serious, responsible, and protective.
  • Background: Eldest son, serves in the town's militia.
  • Motivation: Protecting the village and supporting the family business.
  • Political Relationships: Strong ties with the militia and local leaders.
Nimsy Peon
  • Personality: Energetic, curious, and eager to learn.
  • Background: Middle child, helps with mill operations and market activities.
  • Motivation: Learning about the mill's machinery and contributing to its success.
  • Political Relationships: Engages with local merchants and traders.
Poppy Peon
  • Personality: Enthusiastic, eager, and helpful.
  • Background: Youngest daughter, assists with smaller tasks at the mill.
  • Motivation: Contributing to the family business and learning from her parents.
  • Political Relationships: Builds relationships with village children and families.
Parent Location
Smarbass and Lilian Peron by 3orcs

Cover image: Sheernobb Banner by 3orcs


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