A3 Tymak Manor Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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A3 Tymak Manor

A Beacon of Prestige in Verbobonc's High Quarter

Nestled in the heart of the richest neighborhood in Verbobonc, the High Quarter, stands the magnificent three-story mansion of the future Mayor, Tymak. This grand residence, the cornerstone of House Tymak's legacy, reflects not just the wealth but also the influential stature of its occupants within the city's political and social spheres.

Architectural Grandeur and Daily Life

Design and Structure
  • Three-Story Marvel: The mansion's architecture boasts a blend of traditional and modern designs, symbolizing the storied history and progressive future of House Tymak.
  • Bustling with Life: Constantly alive with the comings and goings of servants and staff, the mansion is a hive of activity, supporting the needs and demands of its distinguished residents.
The Heart of Activity
  • Rare Presence of Tymak: Despite being the family home, Tymak himself spends little time here, occupied with responsibilities at City Hall and Castle Greyfist.
  • Security Measures: Regular security checks are conducted by members of the city militia and the Silver Consortium, particularly by the Tower of Juelihm the Conjurer, ensuring the mansion's safety and privacy.

Notable Residents of the Mansion

Lord Tymak
  • A Stalwart Figure: As the head of House Tymak, Lord Tymak is a seasoned warrior (NG male human Ftr11) who has grown aged and increasingly disabled, yet his determination and influence within Verbobonc remain undiminished.

The Tymak Family

  • Lady Elara Tymak: The aged noble wife of Lord Tymak, known for her grace, wisdom, and charitable works within the High Quarter.
  • Cedric Tymak: The eldest son, who has followed in his father's footsteps as a skilled fighter, actively involved in the city's defense and militia.
  • Serena Tymak: The middle child, a renowned scholar and diplomat, who contributes to Verbobonc's political landscape through her acute understanding of law and governance.
  • Brennan Tymak: The youngest, an adventurous spirit, who has ventured beyond Verbobonc, seeking knowledge and alliances that could benefit House Tymak and the city.

A Center of Influence and Hospitality

The Tymak mansion is not just a residence; it's a symbol of power, tradition, and the pivotal role the Tymak family plays in shaping the destiny of Verbobonc. From its grand halls to the intimate family quarters, every corner of the mansion tells a story of ambition, responsibility, and the pursuit of excellence that defines House Tymak. Amidst the political intrigue and bustling life of the High Quarter, the mansion of Tymak remains a steadfast beacon of prestige, inviting admiration and respect from all who behold it.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
by 3orcs
Mansion / Villa
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Tymak coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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