A6 Segemm’s Collectibles Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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A6 Segemm’s Collectibles

A Treasure Trove in Verbobonc

Nestled within the cobblestone streets of the High Quarter in the city of Verbobonc, Segemm's Store of Collectibles emerges as a beacon for connoisseurs of the rare and extraordinary. Owned by the long-established Segemm family, known for their impeccable taste and discerning eye, this store has become the premier destination for those in pursuit of unique treasures.

The Essence of Elegance

Store Atmosphere
  • Old-World Wealth: The interior exudes an air of posh old-world wealth, with expensive Keoland rugs underfoot and rare Nyrond artwork adorning the walls.
  • Antique Abundance: Every corner of the store is filled with antiques, giving patrons the sense of stepping into a museum or a library.
  • Exclusive Experience: The store's atmosphere, combined with its snooty staff and the fear of accidentally damaging priceless items, creates an exclusive shopping experience.

Notable Figures

The Segemm Family
  • Rarely Present: The Segemm family, although the driving force behind the store, delegates daily operations to their elite staff, reserving their involvement for transactions over 2,500 gp.
  • Secret Dealings: For exceptionally rare finds, family members conduct business in a magically protected secret room in the basement, away from prying eyes and magical surveillance.

Goods and Services

Exclusivity and Rarity
  • High-Value Transactions: Segemm's specializes in the purchase and sale of only the rarest and most unique items, with prices typically starting at 500 gp.
  • Diverse Collection: The inventory includes magic items, very rare deceased creatures, artifacts, and art, each with a 5% chance of being in stock at any given time.
  • Uniqueness Guaranteed: Items sold at Segemm's are usually one-of-a-kind, ensuring that patrons acquire truly exclusive possessions.

Assurance of Quality

  • Authenticity Checks: The Segemm family ensures that every item passes through rigorous checks for authenticity, maintaining the highest quality standards.
  • Rare Artifacts: Among the offerings are some of the rarest artifacts, secured under the tightest security measures to protect both the items and the store's clientele.

The Store's Impact on Verbobonc

The existence of Segemm's Store of Collectibles within the High Quarter significantly enhances the cultural and economic landscape of Verbobonc. It not only attracts wealthy collectors and enthusiasts from across the region but also contributes to the city's reputation as a center for luxury and exclusivity. The store's selective inventory and the mysterious allure of its secret dealings have woven Segemm's into the fabric of Verbobonc's most intriguing tales.   In a city where the extraordinary is just within reach, Segemm's Store of Collectibles stands as a testament to the pursuit of the rare and the beautiful, offering a glimpse into a world where every item tells a story of opulence, history, and magic.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
by 3orcs
Shop, Generic
Parent Location
Here's a list of minor magic items that could commonly be found on sale at Segemm's Collectibles shop in the city of Verbobonc. These items, while minor in power, can offer significant advantages to adventurers and collectors alike.
Minor Magic Potions
  1. Potion of Healing: A staple for any adventurer, this potion heals minor wounds.
  2. Potion of Climbing: Grants the drinker enhanced climbing abilities for a short time.
  3. Potion of Night Vision: Allows the user to see in the dark as if it were daylight for several hours.
Minor Weapons
  1. Dagger of Venom: A small blade that can be coated with poison, dealing extra damage to an enemy once per day.
  2. Short Sword of Warning: A weapon that vibrates slightly when enemies are nearby, granting its wielder a bonus to initiative.
  3. Flaming Arrows (Quiver of 20): Arrows that ignite upon contact, dealing additional fire damage to the target.
Minor Cloaks and Wearables
  1. Cloak of Billowing: A cloak that, upon command, billows dramatically as if caught in an unseen wind.
  2. Brooch of Shielding: Offers protection against force damage and blocks magic missiles.
  3. Gloves of Swimming and Climbing: Enhance the wearer's ability to swim and climb, increasing speed and agility.
Miscellaneous Minor Magic Items
  1. Bag of Holding (Small): A pouch that can hold much more than its size would suggest, without increasing in weight.
  2. Boots of False Tracks: Leave tracks of another creature type of the wearer's choice, useful for evading trackers.
  3. Driftglobe: A small sphere that floats in the air and emits light or the daylight spell once per day.
  4. Everburning Torch: A torch that provides light without heat or the need for oxygen, burning indefinitely.
  5. Hat of Disguise: Allows the wearer to alter their appearance as with the disguise self spell once per day.
  6. Wand of Smiles: A wand with the ability to force a target to smile broadly for a minute, with a limited number of charges.
These items, curated for their uniqueness and utility, make Segemm's Collectibles a destination for adventurers seeking to enhance their arsenal with magical flair. The stock may vary, reflecting the rare and often one-of-a-kind nature of the items within Segemm's vast collection.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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