A1 - A12 High Quarter Settlement in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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A1 - A12 High Quarter

High Quarter: The Elite District of Verbobonc City

The High Quarter of Verbobonc City is an exclusive enclave that epitomizes luxury and security. Named for both its elevated social status and its physical elevation on a small hill at the city's center, this district is home to the wealthy and influential. Its unique geographical and societal positioning sets it apart from the rest of Verbobonc, making it a coveted area for the city's elite.

Key Features

  • Elevation and Location: Positioned 20-30 feet above the rest of the city, offering both a literal and metaphorical elevation of status.
  • Architectural Excellence: Buildings in the High Quarter showcase exceptional craftsmanship, featuring grand gardens, statues, and marble staircases.
  • Exclusive Atmosphere: The district maintains a pristine environment, free from the common clutter, beggars, and street vendors seen in other parts of the city.
  • Enhanced Security: Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc patrols ensure safety at all hours, with heightened security measures in place both day and night. Each patrol is augmented by a Billet of the Church of St Cuthbert, ensuring not just the enforcement of city law but also the laws and practices of the church.

Lifestyle and Community

  • Narrow yet Clean Streets: Despite the limited space due to the hill's constraints, streets remain immaculately maintained.
  • Wealth and Prestige: Residents are among the city's most affluent, enjoying a level of luxury and privacy unmatched elsewhere.
  • Security and Surveillance: A constant watch by the city patrols, coupled with the presence of Billets of St. Cuthbert, underscores the area's importance to Verbobonc's social fabric.

Castle Greyfist

Adjacent to the High Quarter is V1-3 Castle Greyfist, Citadel of the Viscount, located on a small hill at the center of Verbobonc. This rectangular castle represents the pinnacle of preserved elven architecture within the city, with its layout of tastefully arranged buildings and gardens offering natural-seeming vistas from nearly every window. The castle's design features slender towers connected by airy arched bridges—a testament to elven architectural finesse.

Monastery of the Reverent Brothers

One notable location within the High Quarter is the A1 Monastery of the Reverent Brothers Rao, dedicated to Rao, the god of Peace, Reason, and Serenity. This grand monastery lies between Castle Greyfist and the wealthiest neighborhood of the city, resembling an extension of the castle itself. It includes several structures: the northern wall extension of the castle, the Tower of Reason, the Assembly Hall of Reverent Brothers, and the Halls of Peace. The monastery's design and location signify its importance to both the religious and political spheres of Verbobonc, serving as a place for quiet reflection, worship, and political dealings.


The High Quarter stands as a testament to Verbobonc City's architectural beauty, social hierarchy, and commitment to security. It is a district where the city's elite can enjoy a life of luxury and tranquility, under the watchful eye of both the city's guards and the vigilant Billets of St. Cuthbert.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
by 3orcs

Articles under A1 - A12 High Quarter

Cover image: by 3orcs


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