A5 Haxx Manor Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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A5 Haxx Manor

A Bastion of Power and Strategy in Verbobonc

Nestled within the prestigious High Quarter of Verbobonc, across from the iconic Castle Greyfist and the Verbobonc Mint, stands Lord Marakios Willem Haxx’s Manor. This formidable compound, mirroring the strength and influence of its lord, serves as a central hub for political maneuvering, military readiness, and the stewardship of the city's coffers.

The Manor Compound

Architectural Grandeur
  • Castle-like Structure: Lord Haxx's manor, expansive and fortified, resembles a small castle with its own barracks, stables, smithy, armory, and living quarters for the Haxx family and their retinue.
  • Defensive Fortifications: The compound is protected by a 20-foot high wall surrounding half of the inner area, with two towers overseeing the estate, ensuring security and privacy.
  • Center of Activities
  • Haxx's Hardheads: Home to almost 500 men, the manor's occupants include Lord Haxx's private army, known as Haxx's Hardheads," veterans of the Greyhawk Wars and staunch supporters of their lord's ambitions.

Notable Residents and Services

Lord Marakios Willem Haxx 
  • Political Challenger: A formidable figure in Verbobonc's political landscape, Lord Haxx has been a vocal critic of previous administrations and intends to challenge for the position of Lord Mayor, advocating for strategic and military vigilance.

The Hardheads

  • Volunteer Force: The Hardheads, serving without pay, form a volunteer force dedicated to Lord Haxx's cause, requiring battle experience and commitment to duty.
  • Training and Recruitment: The manor offers training facilities for warriors, with rumors of secret training grounds for political spies and assassins beneath the compound.

The Shrine of Joramy

  • Spiritual Support: Within the manor, a small shrine to Joramy, serviced by two clerics, caters to the spiritual needs of the Hardheads, reinforcing the martial and fervent nature of the compound.

Influence on Verbobonc

Economic and Military Influence
Situated strategically across V1-3 Castle Greyfist, Citadel of the Viscount and the Verbobonc Mint, Lord Haxx Manor plays a pivotal role in the city's economic and military affairs, with its occupants frequently engaged in official business and the safeguarding of the city's wealth.

A Political Powerhouse

As a former Lord Mayor and a key figure in Verbobonc's political scene, Lord Haxx's influence extends beyond the walls of his manor, shaping policies and the city's stance on regional conflicts.


Lord Haxx Manor stands as a testament to the strength, ambition, and strategic acumen of one of Verbobonc's most influential figures. Its presence in the High Quarter, coupled with the activities of the Hardheads and the political ambitions of Lord Haxx, ensures that the manor remains at the heart of the city's political, military, and economic dynamics. As Lord Haxx prepares to re-enter the political arena, his manor continues to symbolize his readiness to lead and defend the interests of Verbobonc.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
by 3orcs
Mansion / Villa
Parent Location
Characters in Location
Haxx coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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