A12 Lakash Quallad's Manor Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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A12 Lakash Quallad's Manor

A Testament to Opulence and Intrigue
Nestled in the affluent High Quarter of Verbobonc's cobblestone streets lies the manor house of Lakash Quallad. This grand edifice is not merely a home but a bastion of wealth, power, and political machinations. Boasting a luxury that rivals the esteemed Manor of Lady A8 Sarcina Manor, Lakash's residence serves as a focal point for high society gatherings, political discourse, and the subtle play of influence and ambition.
  • Synthesis of Splendor: Lakash's manor is a breathtaking vision of architectural prowess, with its ornate design and lush grounds reflecting the pinnacle of Verbobonc opulence. 
  • Cultural Hub: The manor frequently hosts the city's elite, becoming synonymous with high culture, extravagant entertainment, and the most exclusive social events.

Description of the Manor

The manor's aesthetics are a deliberate display of Lakash's status and taste, every element chosen to impress and intimidate in equal measure.
  • Architectural Grandeur: Featuring high arches, sweeping balustrades, and an imposing facade that commands respect and admiration from all who pass by.
  • Artistic Richness: The interior is adorned with masterpieces of art, each telling a story of power, conquest, or the subtle art of negotiation, comparable to the legendary collection of Lady Kathryn Sarcina.

Politics and Power

Lakash's manor is a crucible where the political elite converge to shape the destiny of Verbobonc, with its owner at the center, pulling the strings with deft fingers.
  • Strategic Gatherings: Political meetings and lavish parties are commonplace, where alliances are formed, and futures are decided over glasses of the finest wine.
  • Chamber of 13: Members of this influential council are frequent guests, their presence at the manor a testament to Lakash's ambition to join their esteemed ranks.

Entertainment and Hospitality

With a reputation for hosting the most sought-after events, the manor is a beacon for those who wield power or aspire to.
  • Rivaling Nobility: The opulence of Lakash's soirees and the richness of his estate are designed to rival even that of Lady Sarcina's famed Manor, showcasing his desire not just to participate in high society but to dominate it.
  • Diplomatic Engagements: The manor has become a favored venue for diplomatic encounters, discreetly influencing the political landscape within the luxury-wrapped walls.


Lakash Quallad's manor is more than a home; it is a political stronghold, a cultural landmark, and a declaration of ambition. It is a place where the rich and powerful of Verbobonc come to play the game of thrones in all but name, with Lakash Quallad himself as a formidable player, his eyes set on the ultimate prize—a seat among the revered Chamber of 13. Each lavish party, each carefully curated piece of art, and each meticulously planned political meeting are but moves on the chessboard of power, with Lakash poised to declare checkmate.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type 
Lakash Quallad's manor by 3orcs
Manor house / Meeting hall
Parent Location
Characters in Location
Verbobonc Manor Ballroom by 3orcs
Verbobonc Manor Ballroom by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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