A1 Monastery of the Reverent Brothers Rao Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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A1 Monastery of the Reverent Brothers Rao

Temples of Rao are generally stately, open air affairs filled with incense, quiet chanting, and earnest philosophical discussion. Many have extensive libraries and learned sages on hand to answer even the most esoteric question. Greyfist is a rectangular castle built on a small hill in the centre of the city. Without a doubt, the palace of Viscount of Verbobonc is the finest surviving example of preserved elven work in the city. This is a large complex of buildings and gardens, is tastefully arranged to provide natural-seeming vistas from nearly any window. Its construction is typical of most of the elven buildings of Verbobonc. Many slender towers joined by airy, arched bridges grace the palace. The surrounding curtain walls rise to a height of 32 feet, and four round towers, reach a height of 40 feet.   Nestled up against the north curtain wall and a curtain wall extension protecting the hill from the Velverdyva River are buildings of the Monastery of the Reverent Brothers dedicated to Rao. This grand monastery is set between Castle Greyfist, and the richest neighborhood in the city. It has been constructed with the finest stone and is almost an extension of the castle itself.

A Pillar of Peace and Power in Verbobonc

Nestled within the High Quarter of Verbobonc, the Monastery of the Reverent Brothers dedicated to Rao stands as a testament to the enduring faith and political acumen within the city's ancient walls. This grand monastery, positioned strategically between Castle Greyfist and the city's wealthiest neighborhood, plays a crucial role in the spiritual and political landscape of Verbobonc.

Architectural Majesty and Spiritual Haven

Constructed from the finest stone, the monastery is almost an extension of V1-3 Castle Greyfist, Citadel of the Viscount itself, mirroring the citadel's strength and grandeur. The complex comprises four main structures, each serving a distinct purpose in the life of the monastery and its inhabitants:
  • Northern Wall Extension of the Castle: Serving as a barrier and a bridge between the secular and the sacred, this 30 feet high wall with a 50-foot tower at its end is a symbol of the monastery's integration into the city's defenses and its elevated status.
  • Tower of Reason: A sanctuary for meditation, topped with a permanent "Silence" spell, allowing the clergy of Rao to reflect in utter tranquility.
  • Assembly Hall of Reverent Brothers: The heart of worship within the monastery, adorned with stunning stained glass and high arched ceilings, where Verbobonc’s nobility and affluent gather to pay homage to Rao.
  • Halls of Peace: The living quarters and study areas for the monks, embodying the monastery's commitment to peace and learning.

Political Ramifications and Influence

The Monastery of the Reverent Brothers and its clergy wield considerable influence within Verbobonc, navigating the delicate balance between spiritual authority and temporal power. Patriarch Martiolus Legeum, in particular, has emerged as a key figure in the city's political arena:
  • Advisory Role to the Viscount: Patriarch Legeum's close relationship with Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart and his predecessors underscores the monastery's role in shaping policy and governance.
  • Endorsement of St. Cuthbert: By extending Rao's endorsement to St. Cuthbert, the monastery has effectively bridged the gap between different faiths, enhancing its authority and diplomatic standing.
  • Legitimization of Leadership: The ceremonial investment of Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart by Patriarch Legeum signifies the monastery's pivotal role in legitimizing the rulership of Verbobonc.

Challenges and Adaptations

Despite its esteemed position, the monastery and the worship of Rao face significant challenges, reflecting the shifting spiritual landscape of Verbobonc:
  • Diminishing Congregation: The aftermath of the Elemental War and the appeal of more militant deities have led to a decrease in Rao's followers, compelling the monastery to adapt and seek new ways to connect with the populace.
  • Isolation from Commoners: The increased focus on reason and diplomacy has, at times, distanced the monastery from the common people, highlighting the need for outreach and engagement beyond the nobility.

Spiritual Education and Training

The monastery serves as a center for spiritual education, where the brothers dedicate themselves to the teachings of Rao, focusing on peace, reason, and serenity:
  • Monk and Cleric Training: Approximately half of the brothers at the monastery train as monks, while the other half follow the path of clerics. This dual approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of Rao's teachings, emphasizing inner peace and mediation over martial prowess.
  • Emphasis on Meditation: The curriculum prioritizes quiet meditation and spiritual introspection, aligning with Rao's principles. This focus on non-violence and contemplation distinguishes the monastery from more militant religious orders.

Security and Protection

At first glance, the monastery's lack of visible security may appear as a vulnerability, especially given the presence of Verbobonc's wealthiest nobles. However, the monastery's proximity to Castle Greyfist provides an unspoken layer of protection:
  • Castle Guard Oversight: The monastery benefits from the close watch of the castle guards, who ensure the safety of both the monastery's inhabitants and its noble visitors. This integrated security system underscores the symbiotic relationship between the monastery and the Viscount's stronghold.
  • Rumored Catacombs: Whisperings among the faithful and the curious alike suggest the existence of ancient catacombs beneath the monastery. These hidden chambers are said to contain powerful relics and magics dedicated to the cause of Law and Good, protected by the monastery's guardians and the watchful eyes of the castle's sentinels.


The Monastery of the Reverent Brothers in Verbobonc is more than a mere place of worship; it is a center of learning, a bastion of peace, and a guardian of ancient mysteries. Through its educational programs, the monastery continues to cultivate a new generation of followers dedicated to Rao's ideals, even in times of declining faith. The subtle yet effective security measures underscore the monastery's importance to the Viscount and the nobility, ensuring that this spiritual haven remains a beacon of light in Verbobonc's complex socio-political landscape.  

Prayer at the great worship hall of Rao

Causa est maximum donum. Ducit ad sermonis, quae ducit ad pacem, quae ducit ad serenitatem.   Reason is the greatest gift. It leads to discourse, which leads to peace, which leads to serenity. If all could be convinced to reason with each other, the world would enjoy the harmony of benign order. Some refuse to use reason and instead resort to violence, at which time action—governed by reason and wisdom—is required to counteract their deeds and restore peace.   The soul of man is divided into three parts, intelligence, reason, and passion. Intelligence and passion are possessed by other animals, but reason by man alone.   Most people who lack peace simply have not taken the time to pursue it. Rao's peace comes to those with the personal discipline to stop in the midst of the maelstrom of life and take time to seek Rao. He commands, "Be still, and know that I am Rao". And to those whose minds are steadfastly fixed on Rao, he gives the gift of peace.   Et iis quorum mentes sunt steadfastly fixum in Rao, qui dat donum pacis.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
by 3orcs
Bishop Martiolus Legeum, the Patriarch of the Church of Rao, ambassador from Veluna, serves as the head of the Church of Rao in Verbobonc.  
On a Mission from God
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Cover image: by 3orcs


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