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24. Shrine of the Golden Gem

Nestled within the verdant embrace of Gemhome's ancient grove, the Shrine of the Golden Gem stands as a beacon of spiritual guidance and gnome faith. This sacred site, cared for by the Astrolacyll family, is central to the cultural and religious life of the gnome community in Ostverk. Revered for its deep connections to the gnome pantheon, especially The Lords of the Golden Hills, the shrine serves as a place of worship, celebration, and solace. The Shrine of the Golden Gem in Gemhome serves as a spiritual nexus not only for the worship of Baervan Wildwanderer but also for the entire gnome pantheon, including Garl GlittergoldBaravar Cloakshadow, Gaerdal Ironhand, and the goddess Ehlonna. This inclusive shrine supports a diverse range of deities, each representing different aspects of gnome life and values, from mischief and humor to protection and the natural world.

Architectural and Natural Setting

Design and Construction
  • Structure: The shrine is masterfully crafted from the natural elements surrounding Gemhome. Its walls are woven from living branches and vines, and its foundations are set with stones from the nearby hills, blending seamlessly into the landscape.
  • Sanctuary Layout: The interior is an open circular space, centered around a large gemstone altar. The altar radiates a soft, magical glow, illuminating the intricate carvings of Gnomes deities and mythic tales that adorn the walls.
Surrounding Grove
  • Flora and Fauna: The shrine is enveloped by a lush grove, home to ancient trees and a myriad of plant species known for their medicinal and magical properties. The grove not only provides a tranquil setting for the shrine but also serves as a protective barrier against the outside world.
  • Natural Harmony: The design of the shrine and its integration into the grove reflect the gnome philosophy of living in harmony with nature, utilizing the natural landscape to enhance spiritual and communal well-being. 

Rituals and Ceremonies

Worship of the Gnome Pantheon
Garl Glittergold: The Gleeful Protector
  • Role and Worship: As the chief deity of gnomes, Garl embodies protection, humor, and wit. His worship involves joyous celebrations, intricate gem-cutting displays, and illusion performances, reflecting his mischievous and benevolent nature.
  • Festivals and Celebrations: The Festival of Glittering Lights, marking Garl's thwarting of a giant attack with laughter and illusions, is a major event at the shrine.
Baravar Cloakshadow: The Shadow Guardian
  • Role and Worship: This god of illusions, protection, and deception is revered for his ability to shield the gnome community from harm through cunning and stealth. His followers engage in rituals that emphasize the strategic use of shadows and illusions.
  • Symbolic Representations: Depictions of Baravar often include his iconic tools, the Nightmare dagger and the Shadowcloak, symbolizing defense and subterfuge.
Gaerdal IronhandGaerdal Ironhand: The Stoic Sentinel
  • Role and Worship: Gaerdal’s worship focuses on strength, vigilance, and martial prowess. His followers often engage in disciplined training sessions and reenactments of historical battles where Gaerdal's strategies played key roles.
  • Ceremonies: The Iron Vigil, a night-long watch held annually, honors his dedication to protection, where followers stand guard to symbolize their readiness to defend their community.
Incorporation of Ehlonna into the Shrine
Ehlonna of the Forests
  • Role and Worship: Known for her guardianship over woodlands and nature, Ehlonna’s worship at the shrine integrates seamlessly with the gnome pantheon. She represents the harmony between the gnomes and the natural world.
  • Rituals and Offerings: Followers of Ehlonna participate in tree planting ceremonies and wildlife protection rituals. Offerings typically include seeds, flowers, and crafted items made from natural materials.
Daily Worship
  • Morning and Evening Prayers: Gnomes gather at dawn and dusk to offer prayers and gemstone offerings to the gnome deities, seeking their guidance and protection for the day.
  • Cleric Duties: The Astrolacyll clerics perform these rituals, maintaining the sanctity of the ceremonies and ensuring that the spiritual needs of the community are met.
  • Morning Offerings: Each day begins with morning offerings, where members of the community bring small gems, herbs, and other natural items to place at the altars. These offerings are believed to appease and gain favor from the deities.
  • Ceremonial Lighting: Accompanied by the lighting of incense and candles, this ritual purifies the shrine space and invites divine presence.
Seasonal Festivals
Celebrating the rebirth of nature, this festival involves the blessing of seeds and young animals, asking for the Lords of the Golden Hills' favor for the coming growing season.
  • Festival of First Light: Celebrating the spring equinox, this festival includes the planting of new seeds both literally and metaphorically, symbolizing new beginnings and growth.
  • Harvest End Celebration: Marking the end of the harvest season, this festival involves a grand feast and offerings of gratitude to the deities for their bounty and protection throughout the year.
Rites of Passage
Newly born gnomes are presented at the shrine where they receive their names through a sacred ritual, invoking the blessings of the gnome pantheon for a life filled with purpose and joy.
  • Anointing with Gem Dust: Infants are anointed with dust made from ground gemstones, symbolizing their connection to the earth and the divine.
  • Passage Rite: When young gnomes reach maturity, they participate in the Passage Rite, a series of tests and ceremonial tasks at the shrine that mark their transition to adulthood.
  • Candle of Guidance: Each participant lights a candle at the shrine, representing their own inner light and path in life.

Role in Community

Spiritual Guidance
  • Cleric Leadership: The Astrolacyll family, especially the High Cleric Brinlor, provides spiritual leadership, counseling, and guidance to the gnomes of Gemhome. They are crucial in interpreting the will of the deities and aiding in personal and communal decisions.
  • Educational Role: The shrine also serves as a place of learning where young gnomes are taught about the lore, history, and rituals of their faith, ensuring that these traditions are passed down through generations.
Sanctuary and Refuge
  • Place of Solace: Beyond its religious functions, the shrine offers a place of refuge and contemplation for any gnome seeking peace or respite from the trials of daily life.
  • Community Support: In times of crisis or celebration, the shrine is a gathering point, reinforcing the bonds among the gnomes and providing a central venue for communal activities.

Protection and Preservation

Magical Defenses
  • Warding Spells: Given the increasing threats from external forces such as raiding goblins and orcs, the shrine is protected by powerful warding spells that conceal its presence and defend it from harm.
  • Guardianship: The Astrolacyll clerics, skilled in both spiritual and defensive magics, serve as guardians of the shrine, ensuring its safety and the sanctity of the grove.
Conservation Efforts
  • Ecosystem Preservation: Efforts are made to preserve the ecological balance of the surrounding grove, which is vital not only to the shrine’s setting but also to the broader environmental health of Gemhome.


The Shrine of the Golden Gem is a testament to the rich spiritual life of Gemhome’s gnome community, accommodating the diverse worship practices of the gnome pantheon and Ehlonna. This shrine not only serves as a place of worship but also as a cultural center that strengthens communal bonds through shared faith and diverse rituals. It embodies the essence of gnome spirituality, marked by a harmonious blend of mischief, courage, protection, and a deep reverence for nature.
Gemhome Shrine of the Golden Gem by 3orcs

Clergy of the Shrine of the Golden Gem

Brinlor Astrolacyll: High Cleric
Brinlor, as the High Cleric, presides over all major ceremonies and is the spiritual leader of the shrine. He oversees the religious teachings and the implementation of ritual practices.
  • Motivation: Brinlor is driven by a desire to maintain the sanctity and traditions of the gnome faith, ensuring the community's spiritual health and divine protection.
  • Personality: Wise and serene, Brinlor possesses a gentle demeanor that belies a fierce determination to safeguard his community and its traditions.
Myrna Astrolacyll: Keeper of Sacred Texts
  Myrna manages the shrine’s extensive library of religious texts and artifacts. She is responsible for the preservation and interpretation of sacred scriptures.
  • Motivation: She is committed to preserving the wisdom of the past, ensuring that the knowledge of the gnome deities and their teachings is accessible to future generations.
  • Personality: Intellectual and meticulous, Myrna is deeply curious about religious lore, always seeking deeper understanding and enlightenment.
Fendril Astrolacyll: Novice Cleric
Fendril is a young cleric under Brinlor’s tutelage, learning the ways of the shrine and participating in daily rituals and community outreach.
  • Motivation: Eager to prove himself, Fendril is motivated by a desire to contribute meaningfully to his community's spiritual life and to earn his place as a respected cleric.
  • Personality: Vibrant and enthusiastic, Fendril brings a refreshing energy to the shrine, infusing traditional practices with a touch of youthful innovation.
Tyla Astrolacyll: Ritual Coordinator
Tyla specializes in organizing and executing the various rituals and festivals held at the shrine, from planning to execution.
  • Motivation: Tyla aims to ensure that each ceremony is performed flawlessly, enhancing the communal and spiritual experience for all attendees.
  • Personality: Organized and detail-oriented, Tyla is a pillar of stability and reliability within the shrine, known for her ability to manage complex events with grace and efficiency.
Eldon Astrolacyll: Guardian of the Grove
Eldon is tasked with the physical and magical protection of the shrine and the surrounding grove, maintaining the wards and guarding against any intrusions.
  • Motivation: Dedicated to the safety of the shrine and its sacred grounds, Eldon works tirelessly to uphold the physical and spiritual barriers that protect the community.
  • Personality: Stoic and vigilant, Eldon is a silent watcher, always alert to potential threats. His quiet strength and unwavering focus are crucial to his role as a guardian.
Jora Astrolacyll: Community Liaison
Jora handles the interactions between the shrine’s clergy and the broader community of Gemhome, facilitating communication and support activities.
  • Motivation: Jora is driven by a passion for strengthening community bonds through spiritual engagement and support.
  • Personality: Warm and communicative, Jora is a beloved figure within both the shrine and the community, known for her empathy and her ability to connect with gnomes of all ages.
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Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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