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30. Gemhome Hidden Gnome Mines

Nestled in the secretive folds of the Kron Hills west of Ostverk, the Hidden Gnome Mines serve as a vital cornerstone of the gnome community of Clan Nackle in Gemhome. This network of caverns and tunnels not only harvests the precious gems and minerals of the region but also embodies a bastion of spiritual and cultural significance, guarded by the devout followers of Flandal Steelskin, the deity of mining and smithing.

Mine Description and Structure

The Hidden Gnome Mines, expertly concealed within the landscape, are accessed through a nondescript room equipped with a secret door, ensuring their secrecy from the uninitiated. The mine's structure is a complex labyrinth that delves deep into the earth, with several key areas
  • Entrance and Guard Rooms: Ensuring the security of the mines, these rooms are manned by guards skilled in illusions to mislead potential intruders.
  • Main Tunnels and Mining Shafts: These are bustling with miners and gem cutters, extracting valuable resources under vigilant supervision.
  • Shrines and Spiritual Centers: Dedicated to Flandal Steelskin, these sacred spaces are adorned with divine symbols and serve as sites for prayer and blessings over the miners and their tools.
  • Residential Quarters: Providing rest for the weary, these quarters are strategically placed to offer safety and comfort to the miners.
  • Deep Reaches and the Underdark Access: The most perilous parts of the mines, extending into the Underdark, are fraught with dangers from hostile creatures and evil races like the drow and duergar.
Mining Crew of the Hidden Gnome Mines
Within the labyrinthine tunnels of the Hidden Gnome Mines, a typical mining crew operates with precision and camaraderie, each member playing a crucial role in the extraction and transportation of gemstones. This crew comprises skilled workers, diligent porters, and vigilant guards, each contributing to the seamless operation of the mine.
Tentacled Horror by 3orcs

Dangers and Political Landscape

Threats from the Wild
  • Bandits and Slavers: From The Wild Coast, posing constant threats to the transport of goods.
  • Orcs and Goblins: Frequent raids disrupt the peace and require constant vigilance from the gnome miners.
Strategic Defenses
  • Illusions and Fortifications: Utilized to protect the mines' entrances and critical areas.
  • Alliances with Local Rangers: Although sparse, support from figures like Ranger Knight Owain and Wyn provides some relief.

Gnome Guard Room

The guard room is strategically designed to control access to the deeper, more valuable sections of the Gemhome Hidden Gnome Mines. It features a rugged, circular chamber with reinforced entry and exit tunnels. At the center, a stone table surrounded by tactical supplies and weaponry serves as the planning hub. The walls, lined with niches for torches, enhance the eerie ambiance, with shadows flickering across the rough stone.
Gnome Guards
The gnome guards are stout and rugged, typical of those accustomed to life beneath the earth. They wear light, reinforced leather armor for mobility in tight spaces.
  • Equipment: Armed with short swords, crossbows with paralyzing bolts, and throwing knives and small sacks of flash powder to blind. They also carry horns to sound alerts.
  • Personality: These guards are vigilant and deeply committed to their protective duties, shaped by the constant threats of the Underdark.
Giant Weasel by 3orcs

Giant Weasel

This giant weasel is unusually large for its kind, intelligent, and possesses sleek, dark fur. Its eyes are sharp and observant.
  • Role: The weasel acts as a scout and an alarm, able to navigate the tunnels quickly and silently. It communicates with the gnomes through a series of chirps and gestures, alerting them to the presence of intruders.
  • Traits: Extremely loyal and cunning, the weasel is an integral part of the guard team, leveraging its natural agility and keen senses to monitor the mine's passages.

Illusion Magic

  • Hall of Mirrors: Upon entering the guard room, intruders face a disorienting array of illusory duplicates of the room, each reflecting possible, but false, paths, effectively bewildering and delaying unauthorized visitors.
  • Phantom Noises: Magical triggers around the room emit sounds of large approaching forces or terrifying subterranean beasts, designed to scare off or misdirect intruders.
  • Invisible Walls: Certain passages can be magically rendered invisible, appearing as solid rock walls to unsuspecting intruders, further protecting the mine’s deeper secrets.


  • Pit and Alarm Traps: The entrance features hidden pits and perimetric tripwires connected to noisy alarms.
  • Escape Prevention: A rolling stone trap can seal the exit tunnel, trapping intruders or facilitating a strategic retreat for the guards.


  • Surveillance and Defense: Guards maintain continuous watch, using periscopes for safe observation. They form a defensive ring within the circular room during attacks.
  • Strategic Retreat: In dire situations, guards retreat through the exit, collapsing it and regrouping at a secondary fortified location.

Quest: The Lurking Shadows of Gemhome

A malevolent Tentacle Horror from the Underdark has infiltrated the hidden gem and silver mines of Gemhome, wreaking havoc and claiming the lives of many gnome miners. The miners of Clan Nackle are in desperate need of aid to confront this deadly menace.
Ostverk Quest: The Lurking Shadows of Gemhome 


The Hidden Gnome Mines are not just a source of wealth but a stronghold of cultural resilience and spiritual devotion. Amidst the verdant expanses of the Kron Hills, these miners of Clan Nackle not only extract treasures from the earth but also navigate the complex web of regional politics and lurking dangers, all while preserving their sacred traditions under the watchful eyes of Flandal Steelskin.
Gnome mining crew by 3orcs

Key Personnel and Their Roles

Foreman Griswold Tinkerspark
A veteran miner known for his resilience and strategic mind.
  • Personality: Griswold is both gruff and wise, embodying the spirit of Flandal with a profound respect for the earth.
  • Motivation: Driven by a duty to protect his kin and maximize the mine's output without compromising its secrets.
Gem Cutter Belba Fastcrystal
A master of her craft, known for her delicate touch and sharp eye for gem quality.
  • Personality: Meticulous and patient, Belba treats every gem as a piece of art.
  • Motivation: To elevate the art of gem cutting and ensure the prosperity of her community through the beauty of their crafts.
Workers: The Heart of the Mines
Gnome miners are sturdy and robust, with keen eyes adapted to the dim light of the underground. They typically wear reinforced leather garments equipped with numerous pockets for tools and gems.
  • Roles: These workers are responsible for the actual mining, drilling into rock faces, and carefully extracting valuable gemstones.
  • Motivation: Driven by a deep respect for the earth and a desire to uncover its hidden treasures, these miners are dedicated to sustaining their community’s economy.
  • Concerns: The constant threat of cave-ins and the lurking dangers of the deeper Underdark passages weigh heavily on them.
Porters: The Backbone of Logistics
Slightly leaner than the miners, porters are equipped for mobility, wearing gear that allows them to efficiently transport ores and gems.
  • Roles: They handle the transportation of extracted materials from the mining sites to the surface or to storage areas deeper within the mines.
  • Motivation: Their primary goal is to ensure that every piece of extracted material is safely delivered to its next processing point, thereby maximizing the mine’s output.
  • Concerns: Porters are particularly wary of theft and the integrity of their cargo, as losing materials to bandit attacks or mishandling can severely impact the community.
Guards: The Protectors of the Mines
Guards are the most heavily armored of the crew, often clad in chainmail or reinforced leather, with helmets and shields bearing the emblem of Clan Nackle.
  • Roles: Tasked with the security of the mine, guards patrol the tunnels, monitor entry points, and protect the miners and porters from potential threats, both human and monstrous.
  • Motivation: Their duty is to ensure the safety of all mine personnel and to safeguard the mine’s assets from any form of external threat.
  • Concerns: Guards are constantly alert to the possibility of attacks from raiding goblins, orcs, and even more sinister creatures from the Underdark. They also keep an eye on internal threats, such as sabotage or espionage, which could be instigated by rival mining operations or political adversaries.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Gemhome Hidden Gnome Mines by 3orcs
ForgeStudios_Myconics_west-mine-level1 by The Forge Studios
ForgeStudios_Myconics_west-mine-level2 by The Forge Studios

Articles under 30. Gemhome Hidden Gnome Mines

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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