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23. Astrolacyll Warren

In the mystical enclave of Gemhome, nestled within the village of Ostverk, resides the venerable Astrolacyll family. Renowned for their deep spiritual connection and stewardship of the local gnome community, the Astrolacylls have long served as the primary clerics of the Gnome faith. This family's legacy is intertwined with the divine worship of the Lords of the Golden Hills, guiding their community through both prosperous times and periods of peril.

Family Background and History

The Astrolacyll family has long been woven into the fabric of Ostverk's history, with roots deeply embedded in the traditions and development of Clan Nackle. Originating from the early settlers of the Gemhome region, the Astrolacylls have been instrumental in shaping the spiritual and cultural landscape of their community. As members of Clan Nackle, they carry the dual responsibility of upholding the clan’s esteemed legacy in gem crafting and nurturing the spiritual life of their fellow gnomes. 
Origins and Legacy
  • Founding of the Family: The Astrolacyll family traces its origins back several centuries when their ancestors first settled in the area known for its mystical energies, conducive to divine connections.
  • Role in Gemhome: Historically, members of this family have taken up the mantle of clerics, becoming spiritual leaders and guardians of their people's faith and traditions.
Development of Clerical Influence
Over the generations, the Astrolacylls have cultivated a lineage of clerics, each dedicated to the veneration of the gnome pantheon, particularly the Lords of the Golden Hills. Their ancestral commitment to spiritual service is reflected in their stewardship of the Shrine of the Golden Gem, a cornerstone of faith in Gemhome. The family's history is marked by their role as spiritual advisors and protectors, using their deep religious knowledge and faith to guide their community through times of both prosperity and peril.
  • Spiritual Leaders: Over generations, the Astrolacylls have developed and refined their religious practices, focusing on the worship and rituals dedicated to The Lords of the Golden Hills.
  • Community Impact: Their influence extends beyond mere spiritual affairs; they are integral to the social cohesion and moral guidance of the gnome population in Gemhome.

Family Members and Roles

Current Family Structure
  • Elder Cleric: The head of the family, Brinlor Astrolacyll, oversees all religious ceremonies and is a respected elder within the community.
  • Youth and Continuity: The family consists of eight members, ranging from seasoned clerics to young novices, all deeply involved in the religious life of Gemhome.

Challenges and External Threats

Dangers in the Viscounty and Gnarley Forests
  • Increased Hostility: The withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers has led to a surge in attacks by bandits, Blackthorn Orcs, and other malevolent forces, directly threatening the safety of gnome caravans and the wider community.
  • Vulnerability of Trade Routes: The Astrolacylls' role has expanded to include spiritual protection rites for traders and travelers, aiming to ward off the increased threats along critical trade paths.

Guardians of Sacred Sites and Resources

The Astrolacyll family, stewards of the spiritual and cultural heritage of Gemhome, also plays a crucial role in protecting the community’s sacred and valuable natural resources. Their ancestral lands, comprising lush meadows and ancient groves, are not only central to their religious practices but also vital to the ecological balance of the region. These areas serve as gathering spaces for significant communal rituals and as serene spots for meditation and connection with the divine forces of the gnome pantheon.
Protection of Sacred Groves and Meadows
  • Cultural Significance: The sacred groves and meadows are integral to the Astrolacylls' religious ceremonies, including blessings of the harvest and spring renewal rituals. These sites are believed to be blessed by the Lords of the Golden Hills, making them critical for the spiritual health of the community.
Guarding Hidden Gem Mines
  • Economic and Spiritual Resource: Beneath the rolling hills of Gemhome lie rich veins of gemstones, the excavation and crafting of which have supported the gnome community economically and spiritually. These gemstones are not only used in trade but are also integral to various religious artifacts and ceremonies.
  • Security Measures: In response to increasing threats from raiding goblins and Blackthorn orcs, who seek the valuable gems hidden within these mines, the Astrolacylls have intensified their protective strategies. This includes the fortification of mine entrances and the strategic use of illusion magic to mislead and deter potential raiders.

Political and Social Turmoil

  • Viscount Wilfrick's Decisions: The reduction in military patrols has not only exposed the gnomes to physical dangers but also to political vulnerabilities, with rising pressures from the Viscounty of Verbobonc to exploit the natural resources traditionally under gnome stewardship.
  • Isolation and Mistrust: With the borders of Celene closed by Queen Yolande, Her Fey Majesty and minimal support from the Gnarley Rangers, the gnomes find themselves increasingly isolated, relying heavily on their internal strengths and the spiritual guidance of the Astrolacylls.


The Astrolacyll family remains a pillar of strength and faith for the gnomes of Gemhome. Amidst escalating external pressures and internal challenges, their unwavering faith and leadership continue to guide their community through uncertainty. As they navigate the complex interplay of politics, faith, and community dynamics, the Astrolacylls not only preserve but also enrich the spiritual and cultural fabric of their society.
High Priest Brinlor Astrolacyll by 3orcs
Brinlor Astrolacyll: The High Cleric
Brinlor stands at just over two feet, typical for a gnome, with sparkling green eyes and a thick, silver beard that he wears in elaborate braids adorned with small golden charms symbolizing the deities of the gnome pantheon. 
  • Personality: Brinlor is wise and serene, often seen with a gentle smile. His calm demeanor belies a fierce determination to protect his community and its traditions. 
  • Motivation: Brinlor is driven by a deep-seated belief in the power of faith to guide and protect his people. His primary goal is to uphold the spiritual welfare of Gemhome and to transmit the ancient rites to the younger generations. 
  • Role: As the High Cleric, Brinlor presides over all major religious ceremonies and is responsible for the spiritual guidance of Gemhome. He is particularly revered for his ability to intercede with the divine, seeking blessings and protection for his people.
Myrna Astrolacyll: Keeper of Sacred Texts 
Myrna is petite, even by gnome standards, with lively blue eyes and chestnut hair that cascades in waves down her back, often tucked under a hood when she is deep in study.
  • Personality: Intellectual and curious, Myrna has an insatiable appetite for knowledge, especially regarding ancient scriptures and religious lore.
  • Motivation: She is dedicated to preserving the sacred texts and religious histories of the gnome pantheon, ensuring that their teachings are not lost to time. 
  • Role: Myrna manages the extensive library within the Shrine of the Golden Gem, aiding Brinlor in research for sermons and educating the community on religious lore.
Fendril Astrolacyll: Novice Cleric 
Young and sprightly, Fendril has an impish grin, bright hazel eyes, and hair the color of autumn leaves. 
  • Personality: Energetic and optimistic, Fendril brings a youthful vigor to his clerical duties, often infusing traditional rituals with a touch of innovation.
  • Motivation: Fendril is eager to prove himself as a cleric and is driven by a desire to make a tangible difference in the lives of his fellow gnomes. 
  • Role: Despite his novice status, Fendril is actively involved in community outreach, teaching children about the gnome deities and assisting in minor rituals.
Manor house / Meeting hall
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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