Makan Lindbergsson Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Makan Lindbergsson

Elder man with greying short hair covered by a buttercup Stefen hat with a proud pink peacock feather. Piercing brown eyes showing lines of experience and framed by a greying imperial goatee. His lean stature wearing a crimson doublet with billowing cream sleeves. By the looks of the bejeweled rings and amulet and holding a pearl laden walking stick this merchant is obviously very successful.
Makan Lindbergsson is the most successful and notable merchant in Cienega Valley. As the founder of Grape Caravan Traders, he plays a crucial role in the town's economic prosperity and is a prominent figure in local politics. His strategic location near the Nigb's Run stream and the Cienega Bridge has made his trading shop a central hub for commerce in the region.


Makan Lindbergsson is an elder man with a dignified presence. His greying short hair is often covered by a buttercup Stefen hat adorned with a proud pink peacock feather. His piercing brown eyes, showing lines of experience, are framed by a greying imperial goatee. His lean stature is accentuated by a crimson doublet with billowing cream sleeves. Makan's attire is completed with bejeweled rings, an amulet, and a pearl-laden walking stick, all signifying his success.

Political Relationships

Mayor Marcus Greensward 
Makan maintains a strong relationship with Mayor Marcus Greensward, supporting his efforts to develop Cienega Valley into a thriving trade center. Their collaboration is essential for the economic prosperity of the town.  
  • Supportive Relationship: Collaborates to develop the town
  • Economic Prosperity: Works together for the town's growth
House Asbury 
As a loyal member of House Asbury, Makan ensures that his business aligns with the house's interests. He supports Lady Elinor Asbury's initiatives and works closely with her representatives to maintain his position and influence in the town.  
  • Loyal Member: Aligns business with House Asbury's interests
  • Supportive of Initiatives: Works with Lady Elinor Asbury's representatives
High Priest Yvan Cross  (Shining Temple of Pelor)
Makan respects High Priest Yvan Cross for his spiritual guidance and support of the community. He often donates to the temple and participates in community events organized by the temple.  
  • Respects Spiritual Guidance: Values Yvan Cross's role
  • Community Participation: Donates and engages in temple events
Canon Austol Pengelly  (Chapel of the Cudgel)
Makan has a respectful relationship with Canon Austol Pengelly, recognizing his efforts to maintain order and justice in the community. He supports the chapel's initiatives and contributes to its upkeep.  
  • Respectful Relationship: Values Austol Pengelly's contributions
  • Supportive: Contributes to chapel initiatives and upkeep
Tanithil Mornala (Hearth of Obad-Hai)
Makan appreciates the balance that Tanithil Mornala brings to the community through his connection with nature and the Old Faith. He occasionally seeks Tanithil's advice on maintaining harmony between commerce and the environment.  
  • Appreciates Balance: Values Tanithil's role in the community
  • Seeks Advice: Consults on environmental harmony
  Gigur Nónason (Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall)
Makan works closely with Gigur Nónason to set prices, organize wine-tasting events, and coordinate shipments. Their partnership is crucial for the success of the Wine Co-Op.  
  • Close Partnership: Collaborates on pricing and events
  • Coordinated Efforts: Ensures the success of the Wine Co-Op


Makan Lindbergsson is a pivotal figure in the economic landscape of Cienega Valley. As the owner of Grape Caravan Traders, his business acumen and strategic relationships have significantly contributed to the town's prosperity. His dedication to fostering strong political and social ties ensures that Cienega Valley remains a thriving trade center in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Through his efforts, Makan has not only secured his own success but has also played a crucial role in the overall growth and stability of the community.
"Cienega Valley's prosperity is my mission; we must work together to achieve it."
Personality Characteristics
Makan is a shrewd and experienced merchant known for his keen negotiating skills and strategic thinking. His ambition drives him to expand his business and influence continually. Despite his stern demeanor in business, he is a loving husband and father, deeply committed to his family.
  • Shrewd Negotiator: Known for his keen business acumen
  • Ambitious: Always seeking to expand his business
  • Family-Oriented: Loving husband and father
Makan is driven by his desire to see Cienega Valley prosper as a trade center. He has invested heavily in the infrastructure necessary to support the town's growth and his business's expansion. He is also committed to maintaining his claim on the docks and ensuring the continued success of the Wine Co-Op.
  • Prosperity of Cienega Valley: Invests in infrastructure and town growth
  • Business Expansion: Ensures the success of his trading house
  • Wine Co-Op Success: Prominent member of the cooperative
Social and Family Ties
Makan is married to Wena, the daughter of a prominent vintner in Cienega Valley. They have been married for 12 years and have three sons: Gosbald (11), Here (9), and Beorne (8). The family lives on the upper floors of the trading house.
  • Wife: Wena, daughter of a prominent vintner
  • Children: Gosbald (11), Here (9), Beorne (8)
Neutral good
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
533 43 Years old
Clothing: Crimson doublet with billowing cream sleeve
Piercing brown
Greying short hair with a buttercup Stefen hat, imperial goatee
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Makan Lindbergsson by 3orcs


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