Yvan Cross Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Yvan Cross

High Priest

High Priest Yvan Cross is the esteemed spiritual leader of the Shining Temple of Pelor in Cienega Valley. Known for his wisdom, compassion, and unwavering commitment to the teachings of Pelor, Yvan Cross plays a crucial role in guiding the faithful and promoting harmony within the community. His leadership extends beyond the temple, influencing local politics and fostering relationships with other religious and community leaders.

Physical Appearance

High Priest Yvan Cross is a tall, dignified man in his late forties. He possesses a commanding presence, with sharp blue eyes and short-cropped silver hair that complement his stern yet kind expression. Yvan's attire is befitting his status as a high priest, with robes of the finest quality adorned with symbols of Pelor. His appearance exudes both authority and approachability, making him a respected and beloved figure in the community.


Yvan Cross was born into a devout family in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. From a young age, he felt a calling to serve Pelor and dedicated himself to the study of the faith. His natural leadership abilities and deep compassion for others quickly set him apart, leading to his appointment as the high priest of the Shining Temple of Pelor. Under his guidance, the temple has become a beacon of light and hope in Cienega Valley.
  • Devout Upbringing: Raised in a family dedicated to Pelor
  • Calling to Serve: Felt a spiritual calling from a young age
  • Rise to Leadership: Appointed high priest due to his leadership and compassion

Political Relationships

6. Chapel of the Cudgel 
Yvan maintains a cooperative relationship with the Church of St Cuthbert, working closely with Canon Austol Pengelly to promote community well-being. The two religious leaders collaborate on various initiatives, balancing the strictness of St. Cuthbert's teachings with the compassion of Pelor.
  • Cooperative Relationship: Work together for community well-being
  • Balanced Approach: Blend strictness with compassion
2. Hearth of Obad-Hai 
Yvan collaborates with Tanithil Mornala of the Hearth of Obad-Hai to maintain harmony between the traditional Old Faith and the newer religious practices. This relationship is crucial in fostering mutual respect and understanding within the community.
  • Collaborative Efforts: Work together to maintain religious harmony
  • Fostering Respect: Promote mutual understanding between faiths
Mayor Marcus Greensward 
Yvan supports Mayor Marcus Greensward in governing Cienega Valley, participating in community projects and initiatives. His influence helps ensure that the spiritual and moral needs of the community are met.
  • Supportive Role: Assist in governance and community projects
  • Ensuring Well-Being: Address spiritual and moral needs
House Asbury 
The Shining Temple of Pelor enjoys strong support and protection from House Asbury. Yvan's relationship with Lady Elinor Asbury ensures that the temple's influence and security are maintained.
  • Strong Support: Benefit from House Asbury's protection
  • Maintaining Influence: Ensure temple's role in the community
House Milinous 
Yvan navigates a cautious but respectful relationship with House Milinous, avoiding conflicts while promoting the temple's interests. This careful diplomacy helps maintain stability in the region.
  • Cautious Diplomacy: Avoid conflicts with House Milinous
  • Promoting Interests: Ensure temple's influence without antagonizing rivals


High Priest Yvan Cross stands as a beacon of light and righteousness in Cienega Valley. Under his guidance, the Shining Temple of Pelor promotes health, strength, and unity within the community. Through his harmonious relationships with other local religious institutions and his influence in regional politics, Yvan Cross ensures that the teachings of Pelor are upheld and that the well-being of Cienega Valley is maintained.
"Healing the body and the spirit are the twin pillars of our faith."
High Priest Yvan Cross: Guardian of the Light
  • 7th level Cleric of Pelor 
Yvan Cross is a compassionate and wise leader, known for his unwavering commitment to the principles of Pelor. He is approachable and authoritative, with a natural ability to inspire and guide others. His sermons are both uplifting and practical, providing spiritual and moral guidance to the community. Yvan's dedication to his congregation and the well-being of Cienega Valley is evident in all his actions.
  • Compassionate: Deeply cares for the well-being of his community
  • Wise: Offers practical and insightful guidance
  • Approachable: Welcomes everyone with warmth and understanding
  • Authoritative: Commands respect and inspires confidence
Yvan Cross's primary motivation is to promote the teachings of Pelor and ensure the health and prosperity of his community. He strives to be a beacon of hope and righteousness, guiding his flock with wisdom and compassion. Yvan is dedicated to fostering harmony within the community and maintaining balanced relationships with other religious and political leaders.
  • Promote Pelor's Teachings: Uphold the principles of light, strength, and healing
  • Ensure Community Prosperity: Foster a healthy and prosperous environment
  • Guide with Wisdom and Compassion: Provide spiritual and moral support to the faithful
Neutral good
Year of Birth
533 43 Years old
Attire: Finely crafted priestly robes adorned with symbols of Pelor
Sharp blue
cropped silver hair
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Righteousness is not just in words, but in actions and deeds."
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: High Priest Yvan Cross by 3orcs


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