10. Grape Caravan Traders Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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10. Grape Caravan Traders

Approaching the main bridge that connects both sides of town a few heavy wagons arrive before you in front of a stout oak two story traders building with black tinged orange shingles and heavy wood shutters. To the west is the market square lined with merchant stalls and carts hawking their wares to locals and traveling merchants of from all walks of life. They come from the north and from the south road. More come from over the bridge which the immense walls of Fort Emridy stands against the eastern horizon. In the market square the crowd shops the offerings of eager sellers as more arrive with hope and excitement of finding items before they are gone. Others stream back and forth over the bridge as barges pull up and push off from the docks below. A small crane is hoisting a large crate from one such barge. It settles with nudge and tinkling of wine bottles. Standing in front of the traders structure is an older lean refined merchant haggling in earnest with a wagon merchant as more approach from the docks for his attention. He signals his apprentice to address them while he finalizes details with his current deal.   "...if you wish to take the risk going further down river among the bandits and gnomes and who knows what else lurks in the hills, I wish the luck of the gods go with you master merchant."   The heavy set merchant wearing orange stripped breaches and yellowed tunic and billowing brown cloak clicks his tongue nervously.   Then he replies of false bravado, "nothing my strong guards cannot handle!" The four guard-men's grimace silently, giving each other an uneasy look. The trader smiles as if he knew he won a duel.   "My offer stands, 6 for 13 and 9 for 23. That is more than fair for your troubles. If you wish to think about it I have others to attend to. You are welcome to stay over at the fair grounds!" he pauses for effect, then smiles "Under the protective...watchful eyes of Fort Emridy."   The merchant looks like he almost choked on his tongue then blurted, "No! errr, I mean, yes. That does sound reasonable. Your offer is fair". Smiling more broadly the trader pulls out his money pouch and counts them into the merchants sweaty hands.   "It is always good to deal with you Cofry. I hope to see you soon in your next trip south". He signals behind him to one of his porters to help offload the inventory then turns your way. "Greetings. What may I do for you on this fine day?"
Grape Caravan Traders is a prominent trading house located in Cienega Valley, a bustling hub of commerce and trade. Founded by Makan Lindbergsson, the shop sits strategically at the convergence of river and road traffic, facilitating the flow of goods throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc and beyond.


Grape Caravan Traders is the most successful merchant house in Cienega Valley. The shop is a two-story structure with stout oak walls and black-tinged orange shingles. It stands near the main bridge that connects both sides of the town, adjacent to the bustling market square. The docks, just a short distance away, provide easy access for unloading cargo from merchant wagons and boats.
Exterior Description
  • Location: Prime spot between river docks and market square.
  • Building: Two-story oak structure with black-tinged orange shingles.
  • Features: Heavy wood shutters, stout oak doors, and a small crane for offloading cargo.
  • Surroundings: Market square lined with merchant stalls and carts, bustling with activity.
Interior Description
  • Ground Floor: Main shop area filled with standard home items such as plate services, utensils, cups, goblets, knives, baskets, linen, and jars. Racks of wine and salted and pickled foods line the walls.
  • Second Story: Displays refined items including jewelry, rare silks, colored linen, pendants, walking canes, maps, paintings, embroidered pillows, blankets, clothing, and furniture.
  • Third Story: Private residence of Makan, his wife Wena, and their three sons.
  • Attic: Storage for family heirlooms and undecided inventory.

Political Relationships

Mayor Marcus Greensward
Makan maintains a strong relationship with Mayor Marcus Greensward, supporting his efforts to develop Cienega Valley into a thriving trade center. Their collaboration is essential for the economic prosperity of the town.
  • Supportive Relationship: Collaborates to develop the town.
  • Economic Prosperity: Works together for the town's growth.
House Asbury
As a loyal member of House Asbury, Makan ensures that his business aligns with the house's interests. He supports Lady Elinor Asbury's initiatives and works closely with her representatives to maintain his position and influence in the town.
  • Loyal Member: Aligns business with House Asbury's interests.
  • Supportive of Initiatives: Works with Lady Elinor Asbury's representatives.
High Priest Yvan Cross (Shining Temple of Pelor)
Makan respects High Priest Yvan Cross for his spiritual guidance and support of the community. He often donates to the temple and participates in community events organized by the temple.
  • Respects Spiritual Guidance: Values Yvan Cross's role.
  • Community Participation: Donates and engages in temple events.
Canon Austol Pengelly (Chapel of the Cudgel)
Makan has a respectful relationship with Canon Austol Pengelly, recognizing his efforts to maintain order and justice in the community. He supports the chapel's initiatives and contributes to its upkeep.
  • Respectful Relationship: Values Austol Pengelly's contributions.
  • Supportive: Contributes to chapel initiatives and upkeep.
Tibor Timason (Black Griffon Inn)
Makan works closely with Tíbor Timason to ensure that the Black Griffon Inn remains a welcoming place for merchants and travelers. Their collaboration helps attract more business to Cienega Valley.
  • Close Collaboration: Ensures the inn remains welcoming.
  • Attracts Business: Helps bring more merchants and travelers to town.
Gigur Nónason (Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall)
Makan works closely with Gigur Nónason to set prices, organize wine-tasting events, and coordinate shipments. Their partnership is crucial for the success of the Wine Co-Op.
  • Close Partnership: Collaborates on pricing and events.
  • Coordinated Efforts: Ensures the success of the Wine Co-Op.


Grape Caravan Traders, under the leadership of Makan Lindbergsson, plays a crucial role in the economic prosperity of Cienega Valley. With strong political relationships and strategic partnerships, Makan ensures that his trading house remains a central hub of commerce. His dedication to the town's growth, balanced approach to political tensions, and commitment to community well-being make him a vital figure in Cienega Valley's continued success.
Grape Caravan Traders by 3orcs
Makan Lindbergsson 
Makan Lindbergsson by 3orcs
Physical Description
Makan Lindbergsson is an elder man with greying short hair, often covered by a buttercup Stefen hat adorned with a proud pink peacock feather. His piercing brown eyes show lines of experience, framed by a greying imperial goatee. His lean stature is accentuated by a crimson doublet with billowing cream sleeves. His bejeweled rings, amulet, and pearl-laden walking stick signify his success.
Personality Characteristics
Makan is a shrewd and experienced merchant, known for his keen negotiating skills and strategic thinking. He is ambitious, always seeking to expand his business and influence. Despite his stern demeanor in business, he is a loving husband and father, deeply committed to his family.
  • Shrewd Negotiator: Known for his keen business acumen.
  • Ambitious: Always seeking to expand his business.
  • Family-Oriented: Loving husband and father.
Makan is driven by his desire to see Cienega Valley prosper as a trade center. He has invested heavily in the infrastructure necessary to support the town's growth and his business's expansion. He is also committed to maintaining his claim on the docks and ensuring the continued success of the Wine Co-Op.
  • Prosperity of Cienega Valley: Invests in infrastructure and town growth.
  • Business Expansion: Ensures the success of his trading house.
  • Wine Co-Op Success: Prominent member of the cooperative.
Shop, Generic
Parent Location
Characters in Location
Hired Help
4 porters live in the back rooms. They are the shopkeepers helpers and work loading and unloading wagons and boats at the docks.
  • Dionisio Chiquirrin 0 lvl 4hp dagger
  • Plauto Inoritza 0 lvl 3 hp unarmed
  • Artano Espillaga 0 lvl 3 hp unarmed
  • Owen Coslett 1 lvl 6 hp club

2nd FLOOR  

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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