Marcus Greensward Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Marcus Greensward


Marcus Greensward is a central figure in the township of Cienega Valley, serving as the village elder and mayor. A member of the illustrious House Asbury, Marcus is dedicated to the prosperity and well-being of his community. His lineage, steeped in history and heroism, plays a significant role in shaping his leadership and responsibilities. He has a sturdy and robust build, indicative of a life spent working the land and engaging in community leadership. His physique reflects strength and endurance, vital traits for his roles as both mayor and farmer.


Family Lineage
Marcus Greensward is the cousin to Lady Elinor Asbury, making him a family member beholden to House Asbury. Lady Elinor's father was a Greensward, and this familial connection underscores the strong ties between Marcus and House Asbury. The Greensward family has a storied history in the region, marked by moments of heroism and resilience.
A Lineage Interrupted
  • Simon Greensward's Heroic Death (566 CY): Simon Greensward, a valiant member of the family, died heroically, leaving the house without a male heir. This event was a poignant moment in the family's history, highlighting the bravery and sacrifice that define the Greensward lineage.
  • Aluna Greensward's Return: Simon's sister, Aluna Greensward, a Warden of Ehlonna, returned to uphold the family's duties. Her indomitable spirit and dedication to the land she was to govern exemplified the strength and resilience of the Greensward family.
A Union of Strength and Surprise
  • Marriage to Kyllan Aldowayne Treguard: The marriage of Lady Aluna Greensward to Kyllan Aldowayne Treguard brought fresh blood to the lineage. This union strengthened the family's ties and added new vigor to their responsibilities.

Politics of Verbobonc

Greensward Manor is a significant player in the politics of Verbobonc, influencing local and regional dynamics through its leadership and strategic alliances.
Political Influence
  • House Asbury: Close ties with House Asbury, benefiting from their protection and support. His familial ties to Lady Elinor Asbury strengthen his position and influence within the region. As a family member beholden to House Asbury, Marcus works closely with Lady Elinor to ensure the prosperity and stability of Cienega Valley.
  • House Milinous: Navigates a delicate relationship with House Milinous, maintaining neutrality and diplomacy.
  • Local Governance: Central to the governance and development of Cienega Valley, working closely with key figures like Olean Rodrigo, Austol Pengelly, Yvan Cross, Tanithil Mornala, and Gigur Nónason.


Key Figures and Allies
  • Commander Olean Rodrigo (Fort Commander): Collaborates on security and defense matters.
  • Canon Austol Pengelly (Church of the Cudgel): Works together on community and spiritual affairs.
  • High Priest Yvan Cross (Shining Temple of Pelor): Coordinates on religious and community initiatives.
  • Druid Tanithil Mornala (Hearth of Obad-Hai): Balances traditional and religious influences in the community.
  • Gigur Nónason (Vintner's Guild): Collaborates on economic and trade matters.
Community Relationships
The Greensward family is deeply involved in the community, supporting local initiatives and fostering a sense of unity and cooperation.
  • Community Support: Provides leadership and guidance, acting as a central figure in village affairs.
  • Militia Involvement: The sons and hired hand are active members of the militia, ensuring the village’s security.
  • Agricultural Leadership: Promotes agricultural development and prosperity, benefiting the entire community.
Politics Throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc
Greensward Manor's influence extends beyond Cienega Valley, impacting regional politics and trade throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
Regional Impact
  • Economic Development: Drives economic growth and stability in the region through strategic alliances and trade initiatives.
  • Political Alliances: Maintains strong relationships with key political figures and houses, ensuring the village’s interests are protected.
  • Social Stability: Promotes social cohesion and stability through community leadership and support.

Recent Political Events

This tension culminated in an election, held by a representative of the Baroness, in which Marcus Asbury was elected by a slim majority. For a short time, there were grumblings about foul play, but in the end, those affiliated with the Honorable Lord Simon Milinous acquiesced to the law of the land and the will of the people. The presence of both the 4. Black Griffon Inn and The Jewel of Asbury Guardhouse speak volumes of the tensions lurking beneath the calm surface. Despite the precarious location of the town and the recent threat of invasion, Cienega Valley has grown to be a trade center of note.
Security and Growth
Lady Asbury has taken steps to ensure the security of the town and invested heavily in the infrastructure necessary to support its growth. A sizable contingent of Asbury house guardsmen, the Viscount’s own Mounted Borderers, and a number of brave adventurers have decided to settle in the town. All are united in their desire to see the town prosper. The Wine Co-Op has seen unprecedented profits as the reach of its salesmen stretches the width and breadth of the viscounty and beyond.


Marcus Greensward stands as a pillar of Cienega Valley, guiding the community with wisdom, dedication, and a deep sense of duty. His strong familial ties to House Asbury, coupled with his fair-minded leadership, ensure the prosperity and stability of the village. Through strategic alliances, community support, and a commitment to the well-being of Cienega Valley, Marcus Greensward continues to be a central and influential figure in the region. [quote]
"Cienega Valley thrives when we work together for the common good."
Marcus Greensward
Marcus Greensward is a wise and respected leader, known for his dedication to the community and his fair-minded approach to governance. He is a skilled farmer and a shrewd politician, navigating the complex dynamics of Cienega Valley with grace and determination.
  • Personality: Wise, fair, and dedicated.
  • Motivation: Ensuring the prosperity and stability of Cienega Valley.
  • Background: Elected as the Land-steward for the enfranchised peasants of the valley, cousin to Lady Baroness Elinor Asbury.

The Greensward Family Members

  • Mrs. Greensward: A supportive and compassionate woman, deeply involved in community affairs.
  • Sons and Family: Proud of their status, involved in the militia, and dedicated to the family’s agricultural endeavors.
  • Servants: Two servant girls and a hired farmhand, all quartered in the stable loft and members of the Old Faith.
Marcus Greensward
  • Fighter level 2
  • hp 15; Spd 30 ft AC 9
  • Base Atk/Grapple +8/+7; Full Atk +7/+2
  • (1d4–1; 19-20/x2, Dagger)
  • Str 10, Dex 8, Con 8, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 15
Skills: Appraise +22, Bluff +21, Craft (any one) +25, Diplomacy +29, Forgery +22, Gather Information +16, Knowledge (nobilty) +11, Knowledge (stewardship) +23, Profession (any one) +25, Sense Motive +22; Feats: Leadership (15), Negotiator, Skill Focus (Knowledge [stewardship], any two)   Possessions: cloak of charisma+2, bag of holding   POTIONS & OILS: protection from evil, cure light wounds, invisibility, neutralize poison, merchant’s scale, masterwork artisan’s tools, magnifying glass
Neutral good
Current Location
Year of Birth
551 25 Years old
Attire: Marcus dresses in practical, yet noble, attire suitable for a village elder and nobleman.
deep-set green eyes are keen and observant
thick, dark brown hair
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Leadership is not just about making decisions, but about listening and understanding."
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Asbury coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Mayor Marcus Greensward by 3orcs


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