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4. Temple of Beory - Osterk

Presiding on the hill is a small wooden chapel with a peaked roof and open wall entrance. a stone altar at the north wall. The altar is decorated with a carving of a rotund, female figurine. A Ipp wood crucible, the Crucible of Beory, rests upon the altar.
The Temple of Beory, the Hearth Mother, stands on a hill north of the elven fortress Caer Ostverk, overlooking the village of Ostverk. East of the market square and south of Hingnora Pond, this sacred site serves as the spiritual heart of the village, dedicated to Beory, the goddess of home, family, and agriculture. The temple is a place of reverence and refuge for the villagers, particularly in times of fear and uncertainty. Here, the faithful gather to seek Beory’s protection, especially in light of the rising threats in the region, including the depletion of local defenses, banditry, and the ominous presence of Iuz to the north.

History of the Temple

The Temple of Beory has been a cornerstone of Ostverk’s spiritual life for generations. Built by the first settlers of the village, the temple has evolved from a simple shrine into a place of deep significance for the Druids of The Old Faith and the people of Ostverk. 
Key Historical Events
  • Foundation: The temple was established by the early inhabitants of Ostverk, who sought Berei’s blessing for their new homes and farmlands. The site was chosen for its proximity to the village’s most sacred natural features, including Hingnora Pond and the Gnarley Forest.
  • Druidic Influence: Over the centuries, the Druids of the Old Faith have maintained the temple, ensuring that it remains a pure and holy place. The current steward of the temple, Shandril, is a respected druid who oversees its rituals and maintains the sacred Crucible of Beory.
  • Modern Role: In recent years, the temple has become a focal point for the community as they face increasing threats from bandits and the encroaching evil from the Gnarley Forest and Lortmil Mountains. The villagers regularly visit the temple to seek Berei’s protection and blessings.

Architecture and Layout

The Temple of Beory is a modest wooden chapel with a peaked roof and an open wall entrance, reflecting the simplicity and humility valued by the Old Faith. Its design is both functional and symbolic, providing a serene space for worship and reflection.
Key Architectural Features
  • Wooden Chapel: The temple is constructed from locally sourced wood, primarily Ipp, known for its durability and connection to nature. The peaked roof provides shelter, while the open wall entrance invites all who seek Berei’s blessings.
  • Stone Altar: At the northern end of the temple stands a simple stone altar, adorned with carvings of a rotund, female figurine symbolizing Beory. The altar is the focal point of the temple, where offerings are made, and blessings are bestowed.
  • The Crucible of Beory: Resting upon the altar is the Crucible of Beory, a finely crafted Ipp wood crucible adorned with runes. This sacred object is used in various rituals, including those for fertility and consecration.
Druid of Beory Altar by 3orcs

Rituals and Sacred Objects

The Temple of Beory is the site of many important rituals, each designed to honor Beory and seek her blessings for the community.
The Crucible of Beor
The Crucible of Beory is a sacred object made from Ipp wood, intricately carved with runes and symbols that connect it to Beory’s divine power. Despite its delicate appearance, the crucible is enchanted to perform powerful rituals.
Powers and Uses
  • Fertility Blessing: Once per day, the crucible can be used to grant fertility to those who seek it, ensuring the continuation of family lines.
  • Holy Water Creation: Once per week, the crucible can transform fresh rainwater into holy water when blessed by Shandril. This water is used in various purification and protection rituals.
  • Conception Blessing: When a woman drinks holy water from the crucible and receives a blessing from Shandril, she is granted the ability to conceive offspring, regardless of age or other conditions.

Political and Social Influence

The Temple of Beory plays a significant role in the political and social fabric of Ostverk. As a spiritual center, it influences the relationships between the village’s leaders, the elves of Celene, and The Gnarley Rangers.
Relations with the Elves of Celene
  • Diplomatic Ties: The temple is a neutral ground where the humans of Ostverk and the elves of Celene can meet to discuss matters of mutual concern, such as the protection of the Gnarley Forest and the stability of the region.
  • Challenges: The closed borders of Celene, enforced by Queen Yolande, Her Fey Majesty, have strained relations, limiting the flow of information and resources between the elves and the humans of Ostverk.
Concerns of the Villagers
  • Rising Banditry: The increase in bandit raids on local farms has caused widespread fear among the villagers, who seek Berei’s protection through the temple’s rituals.
  • Depletion of Mounted Borderers: The withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers from the Kron Hills has left Ostverk vulnerable, further heightening the villagers’ reliance on the temple for spiritual security.
The Growing Tensions
The Temple of Beory stands at the crossroads of several growing tensions in the region. As the threats to Ostverk increase, the temple’s role as a sanctuary and place of counsel becomes ever more critical.
Concerns Over Celene’s Closed Borders
  • Impact on Trade and Communication: The closed borders have disrupted traditional trade routes and limited the exchange of knowledge and resources between Ostverk and Celene, leading to increased isolation and insecurity.
  • Diplomatic Struggles: Lord Corbin Deleveu and Shandril work together to maintain diplomatic ties with the elves, but the situation remains delicate.
Rising Banditry and Raids
  • Fear Among Villagers: The increasing frequency of bandit raids on farms has left the villagers fearful and more reliant on Berei’s protection. The temple has become a central place for seeking solace and strength.
  • Impact on Agriculture: The raids have disrupted farming activities, threatening the village’s food supply and economic stability.
  • Walled Town: Shandril and Captain Baran are often seen in a heated argument to builld walls around the town.


The Temple of Berei in Ostverk is more than just a place of worship; it is a beacon of hope and stability in a time of uncertainty. As the villagers face increasing threats from banditry, depleted defenses, and the closed borders of Celene, the temple provides a sanctuary where they can seek Berei’s blessings and protection. Under the stewardship of Shandril, the temple continues to play a crucial role in maintaining the spiritual and social fabric of the community, offering comfort and guidance to all who seek it.
Shandril Druid of Beory by 3orcs
Shandril, Cleric of Berei
The Temple of Beory is overseen by Shandril, a druidess of The Old Faith. Shandril is known for her wisdom, her deep connection to nature, and her unwavering dedication to Beory.
  • Description: Shandril is unique among the elves of the Gnarley Forest, being one of the very few who serve as a cleric rather than a druid of Beory, the Hearth Mother. She is a half-elf of stunning beauty, with long blonde hair—unusual for an elf—and startling emerald eyes. She often wears a simple spun tunic, a long elven green cloak, and an oak root crest in her hair, symbolizing her connection to nature's divine power.
  • Role and Responsibilities: As the spiritual leader of the Temple of Beory, Shandril is responsible for conducting rituals, maintaining the temple, and offering guidance to the villagers. She performs daily offerings using the Crucible of Beory, invoking the goddess's blessings for fertility, prosperity, and peace. Her duties include making holy water, blessing couples seeking fertility, and leading the community in times of need.
Notable Persons & Inhabitants
The Temple of Beory is not only a place of worship but also a gathering spot for key figures in the community, each contributing to its upkeep and spiritual mission.
Key Inhabitants and Visitors
  • Shandril: As the temple’s steward, Shandril is its most notable inhabitant, known for her wisdom and deep connection to Beory.
  • Lord Corbin Deleveu: Though primarily focused on military and political matters, Lord Deleveu often visits the temple to seek guidance and ensure the spiritual well-being of his people.
  • @The Gnarley Rangers: These guardians of the forest frequently visit the temple to receive blessings before embarking on dangerous missions. Often visisted by Knight Ranger Wyn.
Temple / Church
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Shrine of Beory by 3orcs

Articles under 4. Temple of Beory - Osterk

Cover image: by 3orcs


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