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5. Shandril’s Cottage

Shandril’s Cottage, situated near the edge of Ostverk’s village and close to the Gnarley Forest, is a modest dwelling that reflects the simplicity and humility of its resident, Shandril, the revered cleric of Beory. Though her position in the village affords her a home befitting her status, Shandril’s heart lies in the Temple of Beory, where she prefers to spend most of her time. The cottage, therefore, serves more as a place of rest and reflection than as a true home. Despite its unassuming appearance, the cottage exudes a quiet charm and is a sanctuary for Shandril when she requires solitude.

Exterior Description

The exterior of Shandril’s Cottage is simple yet welcoming, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings of Ostverk. It is constructed primarily of timber, with a thatched roof that slopes gently down to the ground, giving the cottage a cozy, tucked-in appearance. The wood used in its construction is darkened with age, weathered by the elements, and covered in a thin layer of moss and lichen, which further ties the structure to the land around it.

Interior Description

The interior of Shandril’s Cottage is as modest as the exterior, reflecting her minimalist lifestyle. The furnishings are sparse, with only the most essential items present, each chosen for its functionality rather than its aesthetic appeal. The space is clean and orderly, with a sense of calm and simplicity pervading the air.
Key Areas
  • Main Room: Upon entering the cottage, visitors find themselves in a small, multipurpose main room. This space serves as a living area, dining room, and workspace all in one. A simple wooden table and two chairs are the only furniture present, aside from a small hearth where Shandril can prepare meals or brew medicinal potions.
  • Hearth and Cooking Area: The hearth is made of stone and is built into the wall of the cottage, providing warmth and a place to cook simple meals. Above the hearth, a few iron hooks hold pots and pans, while a small shelf stores dried herbs and other ingredients.
  • Shelves and Storage: Along one wall, a series of wooden shelves hold various items, including scrolls, candles, and small jars filled with herbs and natural remedies. The storage is minimal, with everything in its place and no excess clutter.
  • Bedroom: Beyond the main room, a small doorway leads to Shandril’s private bedroom. This room is even more spartan than the main room, containing only a large, wood-framed bed and a chest at its foot. The bed is covered with numerous animal furs, which provide warmth during the colder months.
  • Wood-Framed Bed: The bed is the most prominent feature of the room, large and sturdy, with a frame made of oak. The mattress is stuffed with straw and covered with soft, thick furs from various animals, each worth 50 gp. These furs serve both as bedding and as a symbol of Shandril’s connection to the natural world.
  • Clothing Chest: At the foot of the bed sits an unlocked wooden chest. Inside, Shandril stores her few articles of clothing—simple garments suited to her lifestyle. The chest is plain and functional, with no decorative elements or hidden compartments.
  • Storage and Utility Room: A small room off the main area is used for storage and utility. Here, Shandril keeps items like firewood, extra blankets, and tools for maintaining the cottage and garden. This space is largely utilitarian, with little decoration or embellishment.
Shandril’s Relationship with Her Cottage
Despite the comfort and security that Shandril’s Cottage provides, she views it more as a necessity than a home. Her true sanctuary is the Temple of Beory, where she feels most connected to her goddess and her sacred duties. Shandril spends as much time as possible at the temple, only retreating to the cottage when she requires rest or solitude.
Key Aspects
  • Reluctance to Settle: Shandril’s reluctance to fully embrace the cottage as her home is evident in the sparse furnishings and lack of personal touches. While she keeps the space clean and functional, it is clear that her heart lies elsewhere.
  • A Place for Rest: The cottage serves primarily as a place for Shandril to rest and recuperate between her duties at the temple. The large bed, covered in animal furs, offers comfort and warmth, while the simple surroundings provide a peaceful environment for reflection and meditation.
  • Connection to Nature: Although the cottage is modest, its proximity to the Gnarley Forest and the small garden outside allow Shandril to maintain a close connection to nature, even when she is not at the temple.


Shandril’s Cottage is a reflection of its inhabitant—humble, unadorned, and deeply connected to the natural world. While it may not be a place of luxury or opulence, it serves its purpose as a sanctuary for Shandril, offering her a place to rest and reflect when she is not fulfilling her duties at the Temple of Beory. The cottage stands as a testament to Shandril’s commitment to simplicity, humility, and the divine mission she has embraced as the cleric of Beory in Ostverk.
Shandril's Cottage by 3orcs
Shandril Cottage Key Features
  • Timber Construction: The cottage is built from sturdy local timber, harvested from the nearby Gnarley Forest. The wood is dark and weathered, giving the cottage a rustic, earthy look that blends with the surrounding trees and landscape.
  • Thatched Roof: The thatched roof is made from reeds collected from Hingnora Pond, expertly woven to provide insulation and protection from the elements. The roof’s gentle slope allows rainwater to run off easily, preventing leaks and dampness within.
  • Simple Garden: A small garden surrounds the cottage, where Shandril grows herbs and plants used in her rituals and daily life. The garden is modest but well-tended, with a variety of medicinal herbs, wildflowers, and a few small fruit-bearing bushes.
  • Wooden Door: The entrance to the cottage is a simple wooden door, reinforced with iron bands. It is unadorned, save for a small carving of an oak leaf, symbolizing Shandril’s connection to Beory and the natural world.
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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